The Sanctuary Of Trinity

The sanctuary of Trinity is in our soul, and it is there full-time for retreat, peace, rest, and refreshing, so we can drink from God’s fountain and then rise from our knees and return to the conflict – the angelic conflict – the daily and minute-by-minute battle between good and evil, to turn conflict to peace, suffering to blessing, losing…

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The Struggles Of The Soul

Through the lens of Christ my Savior, I can see (and live) closer to the reality of eternity because the view is more clearly defined. The errors of worldly thinking are many. Ravi Zacharias once explained that: “For the hindu, ‘karma,’ the moral law of cause and effect, is a life-defining concept. Life carries a moral debt (or even debts)…

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Logic – Three Basic Laws

Law 1: Identity law Law 2: Non-contradiction Law 3: Excluded middle Identity – 1Truth is 2absolute – untruth is absolute. 3Neither can be the other. Therefore, non-contradiction is “neither can be the other.” So, all three are absolutes. Human Logic is based on reality – patterned after reality. “God, our Creator, gave us truth. We added untruth.” The principles of…

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The Thundering Essence Of Prophecy

Christ’s First Coming (called the “First Advent”) was rejected by the Jews, and destruction followed in 70 A.D. by Titus. Likewise, when the dispensation of the Gentiles (non-Jews) is completed, Christ will come again (called the “Second Coming”) and destroy Gentile nations. Christ, at His Second Coming will, by the Word of His mouth – a mere breath, something less…

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Textual Criticism

Formal Equivalence “Word for word” or “literal” translation of Scripture is termed the principle of formal equivalence as it develops and reveals as nearly as possible the structural usage of the original languages. It seeks to represent each word of the original text with an exact equivalent word in our modern English that most closely represents the original intent of…

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God – The Need Of Man

The Bible (God’s inspired Word) is the true narrative that answers the greatest questions of life. God has provided His truths of reality (His and ours) and His divine solutions. The Bible brings true reality into proper perspective. We cannot hear God as plainly if we’re not reading/studying His Word. Believers must be devoted followers of Christ, living what the…

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The Great Restoration

Distractions of the world – enticements – interfere with our relationship with God. When Christ became incarnate (became human so He could be related to humanity), He did so to go to the cross so we could be ‘related’ to God. Being in Christ, we are made holy because He is holy. We become adopted children because Christ is the…

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Power In The Blood?

In the Old Testament Levitical offerings, animal blood was the basis for setting up a representative analogy, or a teaching aid. Remember, in ancient times most people could not read. The animal blood in itself had no value but was used to demonstrate the future sacrifice of the innocent Lamb of God (Christ) on the cross. Therefore, whenever the blood…

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God… Is Circularity, Causality

Eternity may be considered as: Illusion; both the future and the past simultaneously present; time is a means to measure eternity as endlessness – infinity; time is a creation by God with which to allow/cause us to understand God as always eternal – a means of thinking – an intellectual concept for perception; human-mind interpretations. We cannot know something about…

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Common Arguments Against God, Salvation, And Biblical Truth

The “I want nothing to do with organized religion” argument is based on the rules and corruption of human-created religion, and this argument is valid. God Himself stands apart from organized religion. Religion is humans trying to gain the approval of God by working their way toward something better. Grace, on the other hand, is what God freely does for…

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Scientific Laws And The Universe

The continuation of the universe and earth all depend on the omnipotence and immutability of Jesus Christ (Col. 1:17, Heb.1:3). “Scientific laws” is a misnomer. This is a Divine law. Science can observe and classify. Only God can guarantee the continuation of these. The universe will not always exist as it does at the present (II Pet. 3:10-12, Rev. 20:11)….

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Points To Ponder

The following is a theological presentation of Biblical knowledge manifested in Scripture and developed here for thought processes of the individual reader as guided by the Holy Spirit; ponder and reflect upon them, one by one. Any extension of Scripture revelation is an infinite undertaking. There is progress in doctrinal knowledge, but there is no increase in Scripture-revelation, only our…

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Religion or Relationship

Someone once wisely said:  “I left the rituals of religion for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”  Authentic Christianity is NOT a religion — religion is ritual without reality!  Christianity is a personal relationship with the only living God, through faith in Christ Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Jesus condemned religion and religious people. Read Christ’s harsh words for yourself,…

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God’s Uniquely-Born Son

To begin our lesson, we will address one important question: How is it that we are ‘born sinful?’ Well, we are born as a duplicate of Adam as he was spiritually, after the fall. We share his original sin and his sinful nature by genetic transmission. Thus we share his spiritual death. Adam’s sin becomes our sin; his sin nature;…

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Intrinsic Knowledge/Intrinsic Desire

INTRINSIC KNOWLEDGE Because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made” (Romans 1:20). “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the…

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The Seven Glories of Christ

THE SEVEN GLORIES OF CHRIST Nowhere in all of Scripture (except the book of John, chapter 1, and the book of Hebrews chapters 1-3) is the uniqueness of the Glory and Divinity of the person of Christ so compactly presented. Open your ‘Study’ Bible to the first chapter of Hebrews.   Notice the first word in Hebrews chapter one is “God.” The…

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I Am

“I Am that I Am” Jehovah Elohim (Lord God) emphatically declared His Deity and authority “I am that I am” (Exodus 3:14). Then Messiah (Jesus the Christ, the Son of God), in the Gospel of John and Revelation, declared the same essence of Deity. “I AM the Bread of Life” (John 6:35). “I AM  the Light of the world” (John…

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The “Sin Nature”

Arrogance of the Species   We humans sin because we can. We sin because we have the knowledge of good and evil.  We sin because we have volition (freedom to choose). We sin because we have the Adamic (Adam’s) Nature – the sin nature. The “old man” of Ephesians 4:22; the Adamic nature; the “flesh” of Romans 8:3, 4; the…

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Socialism — Two

Socialism is the human attempt to provide a utopian economy with political, social and environmental ‘perfection.’ But only Jesus Christ will accomplish a perfect environment at His Second Coming. If a free society is to remain free there must be a strong military, to protect the freedom of human volition. Therefore, every citizen must know and understand the Divine Gift…

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Ministries of the Holy Spirit

Five ministries of the Holy Spirit which occur immediately at the point of salvation*:  1). The Baptism of the Spirit places the believer into UNION with Christ, making each Church Age believer a member of the Body of Christ, the Church, the royal family of God (1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Peter 2:9). 2). The Indwelling of the Spirit transforms the believer’s body…

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Socialism – 101

The New World Order. Socialism is a human attempt to provide a utopian economy. Socialism reduces people to the lowest common denominator. Socialism is a human philosophy designed to gain power for a few ‘enlightened elite’ based upon class warfare, jealousy, envy, greed, laziness — by monetary seduction, and equality. Remedies for equality simply create more inequalities. Socialistic ideology advocates…

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Armageddon: Recommended Reading

Always remember that the battle is the Lord’s. At the Second Advent (Christ’s return), Jesus Christ will destroy the forces of Satan. God Himself will save His chosen people from total annihilation. Current events unfolding from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the conflict in Israel, could be signaling Satanic movements toward fulfilling possible end-time prophecy, eventually leading to the…

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Victory Over Death

Victory Over Death, or Victory Over the Fear of Death The Apostle Paul expressed well both the life of the believer, and the physical death of the believer in Philippians 1:21: “For me, to live is Christ and to die (physically) is gain.” Paul’s life after he was converted by Christ Himself on the road to Damascus was totally devoted…

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The Fall of Lucifer

Introduction to the Prehistoric Past and the Fall of Lucifer (Satan). Most of the world lives unaware of the Angelic Warfare all around them, yet suffering, aggression, corruption, and evil explode throughout the earth, as a result of this invisible warfare. There is a very real spiritual battle in the heavens, throughout the universe, and in each of our personal…

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Truth MUST Be A Generational Thing

The basis for our study begins in these two short paragraphs: Life and death are generational. Truth and untruth are generational. Sin is generational. Faith and forgiveness are generational. Mercy is generational (Luke 1:50). Justice and injustice are generational. Righteousness and lawlessness are generational. With these things in mind, parent(s) have the responsibility to teach their children the Truths of…

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Thy Word Is Truth

“Everyone that is of the truth, hearth my voice.” (John 18:37) “But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually ‘dormant’“ (1 Corinthians 2:14). The Bible is the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16). HIS MIND is a terrible thing to…

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There are no auditions for heaven! The exception was Jesus Christ. Reason: No one else qualified as a perfect ‘unfallen’ human being, without the Adamic Nature. Since Adam chose to disobey God by the temptation handed to him from the Woman, every human being since Adam has the imputed nature that sinned. Mankind, because of the Love and Mercy of…

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Lifestyle Faith

In the corridors of darkness, we wrestle our own inner-demons (not literal) who control the mind by controlling the flesh. As we struggle with our fleshly appetites, we can only be victorious by confession, repentance, and forgiveness from God, who will forgive every time because Christ paid for every sin (past present and future sin). Every believer will always be…

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Divine Operating Assets

DIVINE OPERATING ASSETS Okay, what does that mean? Divine operating assets can be viewed as a God-given toolbox, one full of tools for use in specific situations while you’re operating within the realms of your daily life. The right tool for the right job. A dark house on a dark street may not be visible. But if the night lights…

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God’s Love

Okay, let us begin another journey into GOD, together:   A CLOSER LOOK AT GOD’S LOVE The Bible tells us that God is Love, but that does not imply that He is sentimental. God does not bless or reward our human good works or our sincerity in wanting to please Him (Isaiah 53:6; 64:6). As fallen mankind we do not and…

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Humility Is Orientation To Reality, Authority, And Truth

The Cross of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Messiah, is the starting place for genuine humility. Genuine humility is oriented to reality (God), and to proper authority (God’s Words of Truth).  Humility may be defined as “freedom from subjectivity by proper orientation to God. Humility is the virtue of teachability and respect for authority.” In humility, God lifts the soul to…

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The Subjection Of Truth

THINGS FOR EVERY AMERICAN TO THINK ABOUT  MORALITY IS TRUE Americans, in general, have lost their sense of objective moral truth. Sentiment is not an excuse for compatibility with truth. Truth is not a relative thing. The compromise of truth negates objectivity. Without absolute truth there can be no certainty. Without certainty there can be no right, no wrong. Without…

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Please, Wake Up, America.

(The seriousness of this study cannot be overstated.) Originally written November 2017; updates come regularly. “THIS TIMELY MESSAGE IS OF SUPREME IMPORTANCE. THE PRESERVATION OF OUR FREEDOM AS INDIVIDUALS, AND OUR REPUBLIC AS A NATION, ARE AT STAKE – THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.” — C. S. Craig. What is really going on behind the scenes as portrayed by the…

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Divine Establishment

Divine Institutions There are four major baseline principles for mankind, clearly defined and explained and consistently verified in Scripture. God ordained FOUR Divine Institutions through which the Laws of Divine Establishment function:  1). Individual 2). Marriage 3). Family 4). The National Entity God delegated a primary authority within each institution under each institution: volition for the individual, the husband for…

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Heavenly Messages From The Bible — Part Four: “It Is Written”

“It is Written!” As I meditated on the mysterious supernatural nature of the Word of God, I thought about the proclamations of our Lord, when He so often stated “It is written.“ WOW! What powerful words! What powerful authority Christ gave the Scriptures (Matthew 7:28-29). What a powerful endorsement. Christ validated the Old Testament and then fulfilled its promises in…

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Heavenly Messages From The Bible – Part Three: “The Lamp and the Sword”

As we begin this third part of our series, it is important that you have your study Bible in hand, opened, and ready to read the scripture references for yourself. Please, be sure to read the commentaries where applicable, usually found at the bottom of the context page in most Study Bibles. Categorical studies on this website are more than…

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Heavenly Messages from The Bible — Part One: “The Living Bible”

“The SPIRIT-FILLED, SUPERNATURAL BIBLE is the most precious book ever written, the most important knowledge ever given, and the most important record this world will ever possess. There in not anything more important than the Word of God!” — C. S. Craig  Truly, there is nothing truer in all the world than the Word of God. “All the original Words…

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The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, as taught by Christ our Savior and LORD. The Prayer of Simple Faith. The believer’s model for Prayer. We are to pray in this manner. Matthew 6:9-13: What does each phrase express? What is the Lord teaching us by these precious words? Well, He is teaching us to be specific. To be reverent. To be basic. To be…

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Christian Objective

The Christian objective is to be conformed to the “Image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) by the renewing of our minds. We must continually renew our minds with the “Mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Our objective is to be “imitators” of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:16;  Ephesians 5:1). We are to become a spiritually mature believer at which point we have…

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Truth Is Absolute!

We can learn truth and think truth, but God is Truth.  Truth is a person — Jesus Christ. The Bible is not only true — it is Truth — “Thy Word is Truth.” Every category of Truth is an aspect of God’s perfect purpose and design. God doesn’t learn truth — God is Truth. There exists the Trinity of Truth:…

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