Until We Meet Again

We were created whole – a seamless piece of love. Faith is the most commonly used perception of every human being – yet saving faith is rare. The weeping willow hangs like a widow’s veil, the wind sighing through the spruce trees could be hopeless passion, or misfortune. Who could foretell this frenzied flowing song? Then came the whistling singer….

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Our Citizenship In Heaven

Our citizenship in God’s glorious kingdom is not determined by external acts of dos and don’ts; it is not what we eat or drink. We are a spiritual kingdom of believer-priests living in satan’s kingdom. Our righteousness is an ever-present possession because Christ indwells us. It is His righteousness imputed to us because of the cross where the Father was…

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The Sanctuary Of Trinity

The sanctuary of Trinity is in our soul, and it is there full-time for retreat, peace, rest, and refreshing, so we can drink from God’s fountain and then rise from our knees and return to the conflict – the angelic conflict – the daily and minute-by-minute battle between good and evil, to turn conflict to peace, suffering to blessing, losing…

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Societal Stability – Marriage And Family

In the quest for economic security, things seem to be more valuable than family. A nicer car, a larger home seem more important than parental support of children The Hebrew word for “family” is “mishpahah“, which implies a family consisting of father, mother, children, community/neighbors, and God, plus the extended family of relatives. Family solidarity is the hallmark of a…

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In Search Of… The Ultimate

In the search for The Ultimate, religion exalts self to God, exalts finite values over infinite revelations. The religious self exalts itself over God. Idolatry has many faces, all designed to validate self and the ideals of self. Existentialism makes man his own creator. Existentialism actually praises the human nature by denying God. Man says, “I am.” In this statement,…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Nine)

When the Lord removes the curse on creation (caused by the fall/a result of the fall), the aggression that came upon all creation, including us, resulted from evil-knowledge (you shall know good and evil). When evil-knowledge is removed, we will be made whole (purified), filled only with good-knowledge of the Lord (Isaiah 11:9). Aggression will be replaced by peace when…

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The Struggles Of The Soul

Through the lens of Christ my Savior, I can see (and live) closer to the reality of eternity because the view is more clearly defined. The errors of worldly thinking are many. Ravi Zacharias once explained that: “For the hindu, ‘karma,’ the moral law of cause and effect, is a life-defining concept. Life carries a moral debt (or even debts)…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Seven)

Life is fleeting, like the wind and evaporation – short-lived and quickly passing. We search for truth and knowledge, but are never filled – that is what eternity is all about. Time is lived for filling, eternity for fullness. Life should be a humbling experience as we discover and learn truth. Reference Proverbs 30:14. Self-gratification never satisfies the soul. Only…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Six)

All the things we cherish cannot be provided by any government, but by the individual citizen, each doing their part by being responsible and productive citizens. Disintegration of American jurisprudence; our liberties are being eroded in increments. Compromise is a sell-out. Philosophical differences can become clarifying – a clarification of principle and truth when truth is challenged or misrepresented. Artificially…

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The Thundering Essence Of Prophecy

Christ’s First Coming (called the “First Advent”) was rejected by the Jews, and destruction followed in 70 A.D. by Titus. Likewise, when the dispensation of the Gentiles (non-Jews) is completed, Christ will come again (called the “Second Coming”) and destroy Gentile nations. Christ, at His Second Coming will, by the Word of His mouth – a mere breath, something less…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Four)

Understand this – human viewpoint supplants divine establishment. Panaceas captivate the ignorant. Religion is anti-Christ. The entire world is being gathered and prepared for dictatorship. It is the sin nature that tempts us to commit sin. This inherent distorter of human life continually opposes God’s plan for blessing humankind (Galatians 5:17). Human nature is unreliable, unstable, and unable to handle…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Three)

Equality cancels freedom – think about this. It restricts intellectual growth and financial independence. Equality enforced destroys individual freedom. Individual freedom is what a republic/democracy is all about. Equality seems so right but it neutralizes freedom of the individual and the corporation. God is the power of truth. Truth is powered by God. God is truth. Absoluteness is essential for…

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God – The Need Of Man

The Bible (God’s inspired Word) is the true narrative that answers the greatest questions of life. God has provided His truths of reality (His and ours) and His divine solutions. The Bible brings true reality into proper perspective. We cannot hear God as plainly if we’re not reading/studying His Word. Believers must be devoted followers of Christ, living what the…

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The Great Restoration

Distractions of the world – enticements – interfere with our relationship with God. When Christ became incarnate (became human so He could be related to humanity), He did so to go to the cross so we could be ‘related’ to God. Being in Christ, we are made holy because He is holy. We become adopted children because Christ is the…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twenty-Two)

Ill-defined terms and ambiguous statements are linguistic devices, ones employed by political propagandists in the art of persuasion and suggestion, and usually arouse emotional appeal that directs the people’s attitudes and decisions, usually to their own detriment. Social media mas mastered the art of propaganda so that untruth becomes truth, and truth becomes untruth, and many of the weak-minded are…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Fourteen)

God is a divine mathematician. God’s exhale was the mathematical formulas that created creation. When God removes the curse on creation, the harmony of mathematics will be heard by all of creation as it flows endlessly from the Throne of The Most High. We are atoms (indivisible), descended from Adam with the same nature –indivisible – with volition (personal choice)…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Thirteen)

In the blazing radiance of the Lord’s glory our depravity is exposed, and His glory helps us see our depravity. He will expose the real self. America seems to be asleep, complacent in slumber, enjoying plentiful crops, clothes, possessions and luxuries, while our enemies plot our destruction, Material possessions build false security – a falseness to reality. Only when God’s…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Twelve)

Sobriety reveals one’s sweetness; alcohol releases one’s suppressed emotions. It is interesting that alcohol keeps the alcoholic in denial of addiction – the guilt of drinking keeps the alcoholic away from church and the Lord’s day. Alcohol breaks apart marriages, it keeps families apart, it ruins relationships, it is a guilt trip, it causes paranoia and cirrhosis of the liver,…

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God… Is Circularity, Causality

Eternity may be considered as: Illusion; both the future and the past simultaneously present; time is a means to measure eternity as endlessness – infinity; time is a creation by God with which to allow/cause us to understand God as always eternal – a means of thinking – an intellectual concept for perception; human-mind interpretations. We cannot know something about…

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Lusts Of The Flesh

Our sin nature covets praise of peers, approval of others, our approbation lust runs wild… until we are slaves to it. Examples: The self-righteous person, those with an inferiority complex, and self-centered individuals. Egotism: power lust, the need to be seen. Bullying: internal conflict and misplaced aggressions. If you want to eliminate trouble in one step, do this: Kill your…

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The Body, The Soul, And Death

When physical death occurs, life leaves the body lifeless. The soul lives on, moves on. The soul and spirit of the believer is escorted to Heaven; the soul (no spirit – spiritually dead) of the unbeliever moves to Torments (a compartment of Sheol, located across the great gulf fixed from a now-empty Paradise). Praise the Lord. Amen.

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Human Love

Capacity for human love involves emotion, thought, and expression. Genuine objective love is expressed from bible doctrine resident in the soul of the believer who is oriented to God, and given out to the world in the daily details of life (1 John 4:7-8).

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God And The First Law Of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics is that of energy conservation. This law states that although energy can change forms, it cannot be either re-created or destroyed, and therefore the sum total remains the same – constant. Thus, no energy is now being created or destroyed anywhere in the known universe (Reference Genesis 2:1-2; Psalm 33:6-9, 102:25; Hebrews 4:3,10). Truly, there…

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… To Save The Lost

We don’t need to go up to heaven to find truth and salvation. Christ came down from heaven to us to seek and save us by His death-payment for us. The incarnation and the death of Messiah were for the purpose of resurrection, confirming His power and grace to utterly save lost mankind. Jesus Christ is Lord (Jehovah-God) whether or…

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Special Places Of Friendship

Veiled in obscurity in the hearts of those who love a friend is the true meaning of the unexplained — the desire of the ages. The whole inner beauty of friendship-love is known in the deepest of soul-friends as undefinable, but oh-so-real and forever. Enjoy now and hereafter the warmth and peace of special people and places.

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