
So powerful is human nature that it is successful in trivializing morality — which compromises truth. If truth can be compromised then there is no truth. Morality is a requisite of existence. Without truth there can be no justice, no injustice. Without morality there is no standard except “to each his own.” “Live and let live” is the philosophy of…

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The Choice Is Yours

“Fortune and Fame” lead to “Torment and Shame” if it is not blessed by God. If Satan and Hell are not real to you, then Christ and the Cross are not real to you! Every man makes a choice even when he doesn’t choose! The choices are: The leader of the lawless, or The Lord of Righteousness and Life. The…

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Spiritual Insights

We develop spiritual discipline by daily studying and applying God’s Word. The Bible teaches us God’s viewpoint. God by His Word gives us a piece of His Mind. Scripture is Wisdom and Wisdom is Scripture. We develop the skills for life by practicing wisdom. God’s Wisdom conforms our thinking by giving us spiritual insight. His wisdom instills moral values and…

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Revelation and Reason

God reveals Himself in many ways, such as His Son, His Holy Spirit, His Word, creation, and recorded history. But, He also proves Himself by the future through prophecy. God’s mighty works and power are everywhere displayed. God is the only accurate prophet. A God that transcends time and space is incomprehensible. But, God is not beyond our natural senses….

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No Return

In death there is no return address, only forwarding. We must learn to be introspective prospectors. In prophecy the Bible describes the future of history with total accuracy. We now live the ever-present future of history. Childhood is the influencing factor of destiny. Ungodliness is the search for God — making the wrong choices. Worldliness is cosmic (satanic) which contradicts…

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If the nature of our physical world were different, would it be empty of matter?  If space were different, would it be full or empty?  If our vision were untarnished and perfect would we see the unseeable? Would what we then see be the spiritual world of eternity? If we cannot think the unthinkable, is it an empty thought? If…

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