The Subjection of Truth

THE SUBJECTION OF TRUTH: THINGS FOR EVERY AMERICAN TO THINK ABOUT.  MORALITY IS TRUE! Americans, in general, have lost their sense of objective moral truth. Sentiment is not an excuse for compatibility with truth. Truth is not a relative thing. The compromise of truth negates objectivity! Without absolute truth there can be no certainty. Without certainty there can be no…

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Please, wake up, America.

(The seriousness of this study cannot be overstated.) Originally written November 2017; updates come regularly. “THIS TIMELY MESSAGE IS OF SUPREME IMPORTANCE. THE PRESERVATION OF OUR FREEDOM AS INDIVIDUALS, AND OUR REPUBLIC AS A NATION, ARE AT STAKE – THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.” — C. S. Craig. What is really going on behind the scenes as portrayed by the…

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The Sharp Edges of Faith — A Must-Read

THE QUESTION OF UNANSWERED PRAYER AND THE ADDICTED WHO FEEL DEJECTED ARE THE OBJECT OF THIS STUDY. THE DEFINITION OF FAITH: CONFIDENCE IN THE INTEGRITY OF GOD! We believe in a transcendent God, all-powerful, yet personable. But, so much about life cannot be understood rationally, especially unanswered prayer. Can we talk? I’m not certain that prayer is as complex as…

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Since everyone has a human nature that sins, everyone has a sin nature. We all have addictions — many kinds, and another one, too! A Lifelong, close friend — Leroy Wyatt (now with the Lord), confided in me often — just about every time we got together. The one statement I remember most of all was this: “Chancey (My friends…

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A Culture In Decline

Let’s begin with God! Life begins and ends with God! To leave God out of life’s equation is the epitome of arrogance.    We Americans must look inward and we must look back to God if we are to preserve our freedom. The conscience and direction of our Western civilization is dramatically declining in subtle ways. Americans seem to be…

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Biblical Prayer

Please open God’s Word of Truth to 1 Peter 5:5-11 and read these verses from your own Bible so that you don’t just read this study. The idea of Bible study is just that — study. Study of Scripture is for your edification and your own personal  benefit — it is listening to the Holy Spirit as you study. Bible…

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Three Ways Of Perceiving Things

From generation to generation, history, vocabulary (word definitions and usage), education (or a lack of education), philosophy, new scientific discoveries, and technological advances all contribute to change the future and the history of the way we think and develop our intellectualism. Having said this, there is and always has been three basic systems of human perception: Empiricism – reality through what…

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You can be at peace with God, right now, right where you are: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Thank you, Father for sending Jesus Christ your only begotten Son to die in our place on the Cross….

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Peace In The Valley

… a thought for prayer and quiet meditation. Think and listen: PEACE IN THE VALLEY No circumstance of life is greater than the Plan of God for the believer’s life. God’s Word in us, and sustains us under pressure. Our function as believers is spiritual growth through the inhale and the exhale of God’s Word (studying and meditating upon His…

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The ‘Client Nation’

History repeats itself because human nature is the same in every generation since Adam. National freedom in every civilization is dependent on two primary characteristics: virtue and respect. The rise from bondage to freedom and prosperity is a costly one. The fall from prosperity to bondage is even more costly. Everything in life has a price! Men must be willing…

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Thirty Minutes A Day

When the believer really loves and appreciates the Lord, the believer is thirsty for God’s Word. The Bible is the Mind of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:16). If you want to think like Christ, then you need to know the Mind of Christ. The Mind of Christ is Divine Viewpoint. “Thirty minutes a day keeps the devil away!” (John 17:15-17) Thirty…

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To Forgive Is Difficult – A Personal Revelation

The Doctrine of Forgiveness may be defined as: letting go of resentment; excusing a guilty person of trespass; release from payment; forgetting an offense, never throwing it back on the person again; and finally, it means loving those who mock us, bully us, talk about us and malign us behind our backs. Forgiveness is contrary to our nature — we…

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Tolerance/Moral Laws/Higher Authority

TOLERANCE If disagreement did not exist, then tolerance would be unnecessary. Real differences exist between real people, therefore tolerance is a necessity to co-existence. Dialogue between persons of differing viewpoints requires respect, not agreement. Tolerance, as used here (and not how it is used and abused today), is best defined as: we agree to disagree with respect. The understanding by…

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Categorical Instruction

God’s Principles By Categories  (Topics & Concepts) The Purpose of teaching categorically is to help you (the born-again believer) erect a Grace Place in your soul for application of Bible truths to the details of life. Categorical study organizes God’s Truth’s into a systematic format. In other words: we learn different pieces of the puzzle, one piece at a time…

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Skeptics believe in something, even if that belief is nothing — therefore, there is a believer in every skeptic. World religions are the assimilation of human viewpoint whereby humanity creates their own god and their own salvation. The subject of God as the source of moral authority has more implicating evidence than any other source. A divine source, more than…

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Instant Gratification

Right after birth, the new born baby soon learns that crying will get it what it wants. Since it cannot talk, crying is also the baby’s only way to communicate that it is wet, or hungry, or something is wrong. When over-sensitive parents overreact to every little peep from their precious possession, they soon learn that that was a mistake….

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APATHY: Lack of interest or concern especially regarding Scripture. In the believer, apathy occurs when we choose to think independently of God. When this occurs, sins go unconfessed. The result is carnality or carnal thinking and activities, (worldliness). When the believer is carnal (out of fellowship) the believer acts and thinks just like the unbeliever. Continuous sin and prolonged indifference…

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RELATIONSHIPS — A WORD OR TWO By C. S. Craig One of the many mysteries of God is the chance encounters that form our relationships, even our destiny. Separate and unique individuals that happened to meet at a place in time, a chance moment that brought them face to face. Eventually, they would become one flesh. She would be fulfilled…

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What is the meaning of words? What is the meaning of meaning? Questions search for answers. Answers create more questions. The cycle is endless because knowledge is an endless river flowing from God the source of all knowledge. A look at the meaning of words requires the study of numerous categories of knowledge. It requires thought. Thought requires vocabulary. The…

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Grace, Energy and Light

The Late Chester McCalley, a Linguist of the Original Languages and Expository Teacher, in his book entitled “The Foundations of Our Great Salvation” wrote:“The more Grace is used, the more it increases.” He went on to say: “Appropriating God’s Grace is like having your bank account increase every time you withdraw money.” In John 1:16,  Grace is exchanged for Grace;…

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WHAT IS TRUTH? It is not that Christianity is good as much as it is Truth is good. The result of truth is good. Truth comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Truth originates with God. Truth is the criteria for establishing truth. Jesus Christ IS Truth. Truth redeemed mankind and the truths of God’s Word are…

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Left vs. Right

America’s spiritual heritage is on the brink of cultural disaster. The greatest tragedy is: while the naturalist and the liberal slander and mock the Christian faith, they destroy their own freedom and their own soul by the weight of their own liberal humanism. Christianity can never be annihilated because it’s Savior (Christ) has risen from the dead. If one says…

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Mind And Reason

The memories of impressions on our lives have been scattered by the winds that blow across our memory banks. Some of these impressions were made by circumstances involving perhaps tragedy, shock, a pleasant surprise, or a fantastic adventure. Other memories were perhaps made from a book, a teacher, a parent, friend or pet. Memories are imprinted by emotional experiences such as happy love and sad…

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The Center of Change

Our society is being unwittingly reborn; our culture subtly reshaped; and reality redefined. The fog of liberalism/progressivism has, like the mist, quietly submerged us in neutrality. Today there seems to be a vacuum at the center of our hearts where truth was once the cherished possession of our heritage. The center of life must be Truth. The pursuit of knowledge…

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