Heavenly Messages From The Bible – Part Three: “The Lamp and the Sword”

As we begin this third part of our series, it is important that you have your study Bible in hand, opened, and ready to read the scripture references for yourself. Please, be sure to read the commentaries where applicable, usually found at the bottom of the context page in most Study Bibles.

Categorical studies on this website are more than a narrative, they are written to be absorbed, meditated upon, digested, and put to work in your life. The Holy Spirit inspired Scripture, therefore “STUDY THE WORD AS A WORKMAN” (2 Timothy 2:15) is a command for your spiritual benefit. The Bible is: “God-Breathed and Profitable for instruction” (2 Timothy 3:16-17); “It is living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12).

The Bible speaks directly to the heart of mankind. It speaks directly to you personally when you read the priceless words of Scripture. The Bible contains “Heavenly Messages” it is a Piece of Heaven for earthly digestion.  

“God’s Word is a solemn instrument of divine judgment, but His throne is merciful and gracious.”  H. L. Willmington

There are several symbolic references in Scripture used to describe God’s Holy Word: In this Part Three, we will focus briefly on two of those symbols: LAMP and SWORD  

1).  “Lamp” — Psalm 119:105:  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” 

Please turn to Proverbs 6:20-23:  In verse 23 we read: “For thy commandment is a lamp; and thy law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”

In 2 Peter 1:9: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the daystar arises in your hearts.” This is another verse that must be carefully reasoned.

Notice God’s Word is a lamp for the feet. God’s Word in our memory center is a reference resource, a guide for us as we walk through life. God’s commandments and laws are light for our journey through grace-fields. Each of us walk a different pathway but the Word of God is our strength — Bible Doctrine is designed to sustain us.  

At salvation, The Lord-God takes hold of our hand never to let go in time. The Psalmist in Chapter 119:1-176,  gives us virtually 176 reasons to love God, worship God and praise His Wonderful name. Do not neglect God’s Holy Word, it keeps us Holy. Oh, thank heaven for printed Leaven.

Psalms Chapter 119 is the most instructive chapter in the Bible regarding reasons to study God’s Word.  

When the Psalms were written, most of the people in ancient times could not read. So the Psalmist (King David) wrote the Words of praise in music to be sung so the people could not only praise the Lord, but remember every word.  How many songs do we sing that we learned the lyrics years ago? These verses were sung repeatedly, over and over. 

Today, we read and meditate in the Psalms. May I suggest that we make our own melody in our own hearts and sing our own tune to the Lord as we meditate in the poetical songs of the Psalmist.

Throughout Psalms and Proverbs the Jews used what is called “parallelisms,” (see chapter one: verses 1-3). Our “delight” is in the Word of the Lord. The Psalms express great delight and love because God’s Word leads us to righteousness and wisdom.   

May you carry The Word of God with you throughout your life. May it be the pathway you follow through your personal walk with God in grace-fields.   

The Word of God is not limiting, it frees a man’s soul. 

Relax more; be at peace — be happy in your soul; be intimate and in-love with the Lord your God. We could study the subject of “God’s Lamp” forever because God IS Light. I recommend that you go to the concordance in your STUDY BIBLE, often, for details and explanations regarding the text and especially difficult understandings. For detailed explanations you may wish to obtain a “Concordance to The Bible.” In addition, A “TOPICAL BIBLE” is also very useful and profitable for study. Use these valuable resources to look up words and phrases in your Bible that need clarifying. You may want to begin with these very words in our subject context: “LIGHT, LAMP and SWORD.”

2).  “Sword– Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 6:17

Notice in verse 12 of Hebrews chapter four, that God’s Word is “powerful,” and “piercing.” This statement is full of power-packed thoughts for mental processing. Perhaps overlooked the most is that: God’s Word is Holy for an unholy world. Think about that. These two words holy and unholy express not only a contrast but a deep seated need for mankind.

I will never understand why the world of unbelieving people do not want to know their creator. Why the rejection and indifference? God offers restoration through Jesus Christ. God sent His only begotten Son to live a life of perfection so that He could redeem us. While we were yet sinners (lost in sin) Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Christ’s life and death perfectly propitiated (satisfied the Father), with the eternal result that whosoever wishes to be, can be saved and receive eternal life. We believer’s serve an awesome God through Jesus Christ. Give Him the Glory. All of it.

Jesus came to earth for you! Jesus came to earth to die in your place — for your sin. Jesus came to fulfill the Father’s Plan. The Plan is not yet completed, because we believer’s are not yet completed, and because there are yet others who will be saved. But rest totally assured, Christ will return soon to take the Church to heaven. We will be looking at the coming end time events, soon. 

In Hebrews 2:11, Jesus is identified as “He that sanctifies.” Sanctification is not a one time event! Sanctification is a lifetime process. At the point of faith in Christ we are declared holy and then made holy throughout our time on earth, and forever (Hebrews 10:14). Learn God! Enjoy your sanctification process — the transformation taking place in your soul every time you open the sanctifying Word of God! We will receive ultimate sanctification in the Kingdom.  

There is immeasurable living power in the Bible you are holding in your hand right now (Isaiah 55:11). In it we find the words of God Himself — the narrative He gave to us for life in time here on earth. God is a giver. He wants us to learn Him, cherish Him and apply His Word to all the details of our lives. God’s Word is a filter to keep us on course … it filters out the untruths of the devil’s world. 


We cannot recognize untruth if we have not learned TRUTH.

Paul encouraged Timothy to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Timothy4:2).  TRUTH IS AN ABSOLUTE! 

During my research, I found other symbols for the Bible. I thought I would share a few, in closing:

1). MIRROR — See James 1:23-25 

It is called a mirror because it reflects the mind of God and the true condition of man.

2) SEED — See Matthew 13:18-23; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23. It is called a seed because, once planted, and with continuous watering by the Word, Truth springs forth and gives eternal life, liberty, and maturity in Christ with the potential of much fruit. 

3). WATER, SPRING, WELL & FOUNTAIN — See John 4:5-15; Ephesians 5:25-27. See also: Psalms 42:1; 119:9; Proverbs 25:25; Isaiah 55:10; Hebrews 10:22; and Revelation 22:17.


4) MILK – 1 PETER 2:2.

5). BREAD – John 6:51.

6). HONEY – Psalms 19:10. 

As you study, watch for other words that describe the Bible, such as HAMMER and FIRE. 

The more time you spend in the Word of God, the more you will appreciate the Father’s Plan through His Son Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. The Father designed The Plan; the Son executed The Plan; and the Holy Spirit Executes and Reveals The Plan. 

NEXT WEEK, PART FOUR — “IT IS WRITTEN” will close our study regarding God’s Holy Word. However, “MESSAGES FROM THE BIBLE” will continue with various Categorical Studies. Beginning soon, a timely study: “PREPARATION FOR DISASTER.” WATCH FOR IT!

Thank you Father for your Glorious Plan designed from eternity past. We understand that your plan is designed to bless the believer in time. We pray and study In the Name of Messiah our  Savior — Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.

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