Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighty-Five)

READ, PROCESS, LINGER…   The uniqueness and depravity of human self-hood – the nature of humanity. The amazing thing about destiny is when two separate and unique lives, by chance (or is it?), come together. One fulfills, one completes – creating one life, stronger and more beautiful than if they had remained unknown and alone. Humans are unique to all…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighty-Four)

READ, PROCESS, LINGER…   It is imperative to stay near the Lord, stay in the Word, and remain occupied with Christ, without discipline or with discipline. When you learn to stay near the Lord without discipline, then God will bless you without discipline. Either way, God blesses you – always with love and mercy, always with kindness and patience, always…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighty-Three)

READ, PROCESS, LINGER…   Life has reason, which reason does not know. The mills of faith grind slowly but surely; they grind exceedingly fine when mixed with Biblical Truths. To mature is to learn discipline, respect, control, and tolerance for the lack of same in others. The journey begins with the breath of soul-life, and ends with its removal. Yesterday…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighty-Two)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   Intellect wants to receive glory, to be the God it denies. So intellect is a spiritual battle between unregenerate humanity and God, leaving God out of the equation. Whisper, wonder, and wind – perhaps akin. Wisdom is both knowledge and discernment – the exercise of judgment – as opposed to folly, yet there is wisdom in…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventy-Nine)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS… Knowing how trivial we are, how depraved, should keep us humble in the pursuits of life. Just as the bud of a flower injured by the frost will not open, so too a child or person injured without encouragement or warm praises of affirmation may not open themselves to the world outside themselves. Retreat into oneself is…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventy-One)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   Genesis is the embryonic foundation of God’s historical truths – the connecting rod of all books of the Bible. God is absolute necessity – we are beneficiaries. There is gain, there is forfeit, there is volition. When the world seems contrary, look inward. I wonder what it is like to have all the answers with no…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Nine)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   The original writers of Scripture used exact words to reveal God’s truths. Their Holy Spirit-inspired words contain the richest intent of truth, and our utmost skill is required to preserve God’s truths. The original Holy Writ, the God-breathed words, contain God’s original intent. Satan has focused his energies to proliferate an excess of liberating translations evident…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Eight)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   As human beings, we alone, in all of creation, have the inherent ability to live uniquely in diverse realms – the spiritual world and the material world. I believe that our human soul is the platform, even the launching pad, of humanity’s created trichotomy, where body and spirit become one with the soul at the point…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Seven)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   My emotional need for poetry, epic and tragedy, fill me with hypnotic charm and dazzling life that may somehow have existed in a world closer to whom we really are… there we believe. Tales of enchantment offer escape without drugs. Perhaps if and when people learn to take the time to appreciate folklore in every culture,…

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Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixty-Six)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   There is no such thing as a complete failure because failure is never complete. We are all complete sinners, completely helpless and completely hopeless. In Christ we are completely justified, completely forgiven, completely righteous and I am eternally grateful. It is interesting that fire somehow consumes itself and must find new victims or die. If sin…

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