Intellect wants to receive glory, to be the God it denies. So intellect is a spiritual battle between unregenerate humanity and God, leaving God out of the equation.
Whisper, wonder, and wind – perhaps akin.
Wisdom is both knowledge and discernment – the exercise of judgment – as opposed to folly, yet there is wisdom in folly.
Welfare is the exemption from misfortune… and responsibility.
Beyond reason, there is truth. Beyond truth there is nothing. Truth is a Person.
Truth is stranger than fiction to the stranger of truth.
No view is better than the vantage point of truth.
It is interesting that the Truth was received as heresy and rejected as untruth.
Only one man ever crossed the ocean of truth to reach folly.
Truth is the highest thing a man cannot keep.
Children and angels speak truth.
Wars should only be fought in order to live in peace by preserving freedom.
Prophecy is seeing the shadow of events, both past and coming.
I find the great wisdom in life is not so much where we stand as it is in whom we stand.
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, only today.
Learn to be still in conversation and in meditation.
Faith is the adventure of life that leads us to victory. Without faith, what is life?
Whoever searched the heavens above and found no God also searched the brain and found no logic.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig, unless otherwise noted.