Terms of Use
By using this website, you agree to the following:
1. Free and Non-Commercial Use
- You may download, print, and share materials for personal use or distribute them to others, as long as no charge is applied.
2. Integrity of the Materials
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- Do not modify, adapt, or use materials in a way that misrepresents their source or content.
3. Prohibited Uses
- Materials may not be reproduced, sold, or transmitted in any form for profit.
- Hosting these materials on another website or platform is not permitted. Instead, direct others to our website to access the materials.
- Do not use any content to suggest or imply an affiliation with Word of Truth Ministries without prior written permission.
4. Permissions Not Required
- You do not need to request permission to download, print, or share materials as long as you comply with the terms outlined above.
Permissions and Restrictions
What You Can Do:
- Download and print studies or other materials for free.
- Share materials with others in personal or church settings for free.
- Direct others to this website so they can access materials directly.
What You Cannot Do:
- Modify materials in any way.
- Reproduce materials for sale or profit.
- Host materials on another website or distribute them in digital form without permission.
- Use materials to imply an official affiliation with Word of Truth Ministries without authorization.
Legal Notices
1. Copyright and Intellectual Property
- All content, including text, images, audio, video, and other resources on this site, is the copyrighted property of Word of Truth Ministries unless otherwise noted.
- Word of Truth Ministries’ trademarks, logos, and service marks are also protected and may not be used without written permission.
2. Content Disclaimer
- The materials provided are for informational and educational purposes only. They do not create any contractual obligations or warranties. Word of Truth Ministries reserves the right to update, modify, or remove content at any time without prior notice.
3. Website Security
- While we take serious steps to maintain a secure site, Word of Truth Ministries cannot guarantee (no one can) that access to this site (or any site) will be free from malware or technical issues. We are not responsible for damages resulting from such incidents.
Updates to Terms
- These terms may be updated at any time. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the most current version of these terms. Please review this page periodically for any changes.
Contact Us
- For questions or to request written permission for specific uses, please email us at: (gcraig9211@protonmail.com).