Defining and Defending Divine Truth in a World of Untruth™
A sorrowful announcement:
C. S. Craig, the author and founder of Word Of Truth Ministries, has been called home to glory. To read more about my father and the future of WOTM, please click here.
The ministry continues…
Hello and Welcome
It is our prayer here at Word of Truth Ministries (WOTM) that those of you with spiritual appetites, demanding spiritual substance and spiritual intimacy with the Lord, may find WOTM interesting, faith building, edifying, and energizing for daily application to the details of your life.
But first, we have something for those of you without Christ, without hope, and without eternal life.
We pray that you will give thoughtful consideration to the facts presented below, and that you will choose… wisely.
The Lord invites you to give Him a hearing – a simple, open-minded hearing.
Christ lived. He went to the cross. Christ gave His life for you. He died and rose again so that you might live. It’s all real. It’s all true. It happened.
Accepting Christ’s free gift of salvation is your ticket out of eternal condemnation. We know everyone preaches “hell-fire and brimstone,” and they should, to a degree, because those things are very real, and they await every unbeliever.
The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way. No one has to experience hell. God wants no one there. It is His hope that ALL would change their minds (repent) about believing in His Son.
Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.”
John 20:31 “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that by believing you may have life through his name.”
Belief allows you to walk through the door to eternal life. God made it as simple as that.
The soul is the real you. YOU are an eternal being – a being that will live forever, long after your body has returned to the ground – and you have a personal destiny in eternity. Where you spend eternity is up to you.
You have nothing to lose by believing in Christ and accepting God’s free gift. The alternative is… unthinkable.
“The fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God'” (Psalm 53:1).
To be saved, all that is required is your faith, your belief, your acceptance of the payment made on your behalf. We don’t earn this gift, we don’t deserve this gift, yet it is freely offered by God’s own grace. Religion doesn’t offer that. Religion has YOU doing all the work, trying to earn or deserve something from whatever entity religious people point you toward.
If you truly believe that Christ, the promised and prophesied Messiah, died in your place (which He did), then simply tell God the Father that you believe, that you accept His free gift of salvation, and that you are trusting in Him to take you to heaven when your time comes.
And your time will come. It will come for all of us.
Please… don’t leave this earth without faith in Christ.
It’s the single most important decision you will ever make.
The most dangerous misapplication of scripture surrounds the gospel of salvation when people are told they can “invite Jesus into their heart and be saved.” This invitation is not found in Scripture. Be careful not to leave out the cross-suffering of our Savior.
Sinful man does not invite a perfect God anywhere.
He invites us.
Salvation is not based on “inviting Jesus.” Salvation is received by faith alone in Christ alone, apart from any meritorious action (earning salvation) on your part (Acts 16:31a). Christ comes into your heart as a result of your faith in Christ. It is automatic at the point of faith – spiritual rebirth from spiritual death. “Christ died for you” is the message of salvation.
If you leave the cross out of the equation for salvation, then there is no salvation. Never leave the Cross-work of Christ out of your belief… never.
Salvation (becoming a believer and being saved) is about ACCEPTING, NOT INVITING. In salvation, God does the work; God did the work; it’s already done. We extend our hand and take (accept) the gift of Salvation through belief, not invitation.
Thank you for taking the time to consider your own eternal destiny.
Where to go from here?
TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (Categorical Studies)
For an in-depth look at the phenomenal dynamics of salvation (being saved) please click here.
Click here for a brief look at Common Arguments Against God, Salvation, And Biblical Truth.
We offer to you this humble labor of love. Thank you for visiting WOTM where it is our sincere hope that you will avail yourself of the wealth of knowledge to be gained here.
C. S. Craig – Teacher, Evangelist, Apologist – Planting seeds as the Lord leads