The Days of Morning

At dawn’s early light, the Lord awakens me. He whispers, I write…

“I heard your prayer and I saw your tears,” said the Lord. “Your voice has entered my Throne Room, even into my ears.”

The Lord has given me His ears that I might hear the Songs of Eternity, the Chorus of Creation, the Music of Heavenly Hosts, the Voices of the Saints, the Praise of Angels, the Melody of Everlasting Joy, the Sound of His Breath.

He has given me the insight of Bible doctrine that I may see His glory as clouds of light, His throne in Heaven, His wounds, His face, His eyes of diamond fire.

He has taught me His knowledge that I may know His justice, His peace, His love, His mercy, His understanding, His power, His integrity, His absoluteness, His plan.

He has given me the privilege to choose, and I have chosen His Son, His salvation, His eternal life, His forgiveness, His grace.

He has cleansed me with His blood; purged me with His Living Water; covered me with His garment of salvation; clothed me with His robe of righteousness.

The days of morning are endless.



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