God’s Plan

Genesis 1:1 through 2:8 is like a target with concentric lines leading to a bullseye; a beginning point between man and God; a place where truth becomes reality and reality becomes false. God’s Plan centers around Christ, the Personification of Truth. Each facet of Scripture is designed as a directive, pointing to the bullseye – Christ. Humanity has a sin…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Sixty-Nine)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   The original writers of Scripture used exact words to reveal God’s truths. Their Holy Spirit-inspired words contain the richest intent of truth, and our utmost skill is required to preserve God’s truths. The original Holy Writ, the God-breathed words, contain God’s original intent. Satan has focused his energies to proliferate an excess of liberating translations evident…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Sixty-Six)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   There is no such thing as a complete failure because failure is never complete. We are all complete sinners, completely helpless and completely hopeless. In Christ we are completely justified, completely forgiven, completely righteous and I am eternally grateful. It is interesting that fire somehow consumes itself and must find new victims or die. If sin…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Sixty-Four)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   God, who created life in us, can certainly be trusted with the details of our lives. We just don’t realize the omnipotence of God – God is so far beyond us. Christ made God personable and knowable while still remaining incomprehensible. God is love, justice, and mercy – God is grace-oriented because Christ was Cross-oriented. Thank…

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When Satan Applauds

When Satan Applauds By C. S. Craig Written To My Children March 29, 2001- Revised June 12, 2001 (yet applicable to all). I guess I never really thought about or fully understood the implications of the phrase “we live in the devil’s world.” There are two worlds (realities): God’s world in Heaven – His Dwelling Place (1 Kings 8:30; Psalm…

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Thoughts To Ponder In Your Walk With The Lord (Part Sixty-One)

READ, LINGER, PROCESS…   I find fascinating the words which contain essence, as in the essence of God, or man, or a thing. There is also the quintessence – the fifth essence. But the quintessence I find most fascinating – the hundredth essence. Satan is a sinister codologist of the super-kind – “chief of hoaxers.” Webmaster’s Note: (Codologist: Noun. Irish…

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