God’s Invitation

“I just wrote, and these thoughts kept coming…” – C. S. Craig


Open your heart, and I will speak to you, for my will is everlasting life, found in your salvation. Be filled with my Word, and my Spirit. Receive my Spirit in salvation through my Word. Be redeemed by my grace through Christ, for you.

I shall give you the silent joy of my peace. Reserved for you is an everlasting crown of truth and righteousness. I shall set it upon your head in that great day of rejoicing. It is covered with precious stones of great price. For I saw you before the foundations of the world, and by your faith in me, I have made an everlasting covenant. Therefore, take my salvation, eat freely, drink from my fountain, refresh your soul and thirst no more.

I will direct your path through your life by my Word; I will fill your thoughts with my light and give you the wisdom of eternal life.

I will make you fishers of men to convert the souls of them whom I have called, and you shall lead them to eternal freedom through the outstretched arms of my Son. I will fill them with my love and they shall rejoice in Christ evermore.

Acquire my knowledge and dwell in my house, even from the beginning until the end; be established upon the rock of truth and the rock of salvation.

Forsake the folly which covers the world; I will remove it from you and cast it away – far away. You shall be renewed by my Word through the power of my Holy Spirit. I will give you strength and rest. I will enlighten your eyes, and upon your face place the radiance of humility, and love shall shine forth.

You will be eternally saved from darkness in my glorious light, which is in you, a memorial to my Son.

There is abundant room in Heaven; there is nothing useless in Heaven. I am the light, the shining one of eternity. My light is my glory, and my glory does shine forth as light. My wisdom is inexpressible, swift and sure. Its course knows no limitation. I am the dawning of thought and the end of wisdom. I made you, therefore, if you will acknowledge me by faith in my Son, I shall set you free, and you shall be free indeed.

Now my arms are open, and I reach out to you. Come to me – I shall never let you go. You may live because my Son died for you. Come, come… take my hand.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to you through his Son.



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