Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighty-One)



Jesus Christ became incarnate to save us… so that truth can become incarnate through us to a lost and dying world.

We are the living truths of God. The best apologists of Christ are those who demonstrate His life outwardly to the world.

Regardless of what happens to you or to me, history is written before it is lived. We live, and have lived, that which has always been written.

The battle is the Lord’s, and Jesus Christ controls history.

Private morality has public consequences – immorality even worse consequences.

God must receive respect as Creator, and it is our reasonable service as believers to tell and demonstrate His marvelous truths to the world – we each must live the life of what we defend as truth.

We can choose to allow circumstances to make us miserable and pessimistic, and we can choose to be vindictive, jealous, bitter, resentful, and hateful. In either case, we harden our own heart. We can also choose to be happy, optimistic, and, most of all thankful – this keeps our hearts soft.

Life is tough. How we respond to life determines our misery or our happiness. Happiness is on the inside, and comes from peace and love and faith and trust in Almighty God.

Power and greed satisfy arrogance, but arrogance is never full. Nothing destroys beauty, talent, intelligence, or ambition like arrogance. Close behind arrogance is greed and pride and deceit.

It is lust that perverts love, just as lying and deceit pervert truth.

Independence from culture is what gives the Christian Church its ability to reform society by standing on God’s Truths. The church must speak out for truth and stay neutral, regardless of political and secular issues.

Accommodating cultural values by neutrality, the church opens the floodgates to its own destruction because secularistic liberalism is an attack on truth. Therefore, the impact of Biblical truth is weakened to a point where the Gospel has lost its true meaning in society. Culture changes; truth does not. The cross of Christ has always been offensive to the overly-vocal, progressive minority, and always will be.

Disillusionment has a way of enlightening the wrong path, the wrong choices, the wrong outcome, for all the wrong reasons.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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