
Lord, I am older now and your wisdom and love have patiently humbled me. I can see more clearly now that the rain is gone and the clouds of my ego are dissipating. I see you more than I see myself.

Lead me in justice – I walk on my knees. God, teach me your humble ways.

When pride begins to overtake me, you shall be my strength and you will cause me to run faster than pride even on my bended knees. Pride does not run alone, dishonor is the escort, and destruction is just ahead, but I have you, Lord.

Lord, you escort me on my road of life. I am encompassed about with your glory. I am not afraid and my knees are never sore, for they rest on wisdom.

Humility finds honor; the haughty find shame and disgrace.

But in your time, Lord, you will destroy the haughty and punish the world for evil; you will judge the wicked by your righteousness. You will put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.

Lord, you will avenge the avengers and none shall escape.

I seek your righteousness, Lord. I am knee-high to the grasshopper and I am so thankful for your mercy and your lovingkindness. Your Word is my armor and my shield in the day of temptation and it is sharp and pointed and deadly toward sin.

You have hidden me from the day of destruction – I am under your cross.

You are my teacher and my example. Lord, you are the humble one, for you are all powerful and fear is not in you. You are gentle and humble and I find rest for my soul in you.

You teach me to love with humility; you teach me to be gentle; I struggle with patience, but you, Lord, patiently teach me with your gentle hand and warm love.

You regarded me more than yourself, and took my place, my torture, my pain. I am eternally humbled, eternally surrendered, and grateful. I am yours and you are mine, and I want to praise you until the end of my time, and even forever and ever.

In your majesty, Lord, ride on to victory; ride on for the cause of truth and meekness, justice and righteousness, mercy and love. From bended knee, let me watch your victory over evil.



– C. S. Craig August 15, 2007



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