
Commitment and faithfulness are moral virtues which help bind families together. The moral dimension in America has disintegrated to a serious moral disorder. Sex dominates the media, especially TV. To avoid the immoral sexual bombardment, my wife and I mainly watch sports (and even then only a few select games and teams, minus commercials because they too exploit sex), history,…

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Societal Stability – Marriage And Family

In the quest for economic security, things seem to be more valuable than family. A nicer car or a larger home seem more important than parental support of children The Hebrew word for ‘family’ is mishpahah, which implies a family consisting of father, mother, children, community/neighbors, and God, plus the extended family of relatives. Family solidarity is the hallmark of…

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A Tribute To Christian Mothers

In Memory of My Mother Edna Jeanette Craig “A Tribute to Christian Mothers” A mother’s most beautiful wardrobe is the moral and spiritual character which clothe her soul. She gives herself, and her family is secure. She gives her strength, and her family is strong. She gives her love, and her family learns compassion. She honors her family, and they…

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Memory Garden

In memory of my Mother – Edna Jeanette Hickman Craig – October 10, 1921 – August 15, 1995. by C. S. Craig  August 15, 2017   MEMORY GARDEN The roads of life are sweeter, shared Let us steal away if we dare On paths of wonder, winds of change Timeless moments – life unchained Each day a new road meant…

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Whistle-Stop Thoughts

Is it the spruce trees or the wind that whistles, or perhaps just my whistle-stop thoughts? Deep in the forest can be heard the whistler’s songs. It seems the whole earth quiets, and listens. Silence runs deep when teardrops sounding on the rocks can be heard. It is a beautiful sight – colorful leaves spin downward, ablaze in the autumn…

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Home Sweet Home

A few years after my parents married (the same year I was born, 1941), Mom and Dad bought the house I was raised in, along with my older sister and younger brother. It was Mom and Dad’s lifelong home. My mom passed to be with the Lord in 1995, and my dad went to be with her in 2004. The…

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Empty Houses – Full Of People

Home-schooling is on a dramatic rise across America. Every day, more and more parents discover the wonderful advantages for their children. Today’s homeschooler parents are the new American pioneers. They “speak softly and carrying a very influential stick.” They represent an alternative to conventional education. And the winner is… the family and America. These pioneer parents are the trendsetters for…

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The Rushing-In

Note: The following “Love Song” was/is inspired by “Song of Solomon,” available in Bibles near you. The Song of Songs is literally sung and most deeply felt when two become one in the arms of loving embrace. Husband and wife are gifts to each other from God, who brings them together for the purpose of intimacy and ecstasy – the…

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To Forgive Is Difficult – A Personal Revelation

The Doctrine of forgiveness may be defined as: letting go of resentment; excusing a guilty person of trespass; release from payment; forgetting an offense, never throwing it back on the person again; and finally, it means loving those who mock us, bully us, talk about us, and malign us behind our backs. Forgiveness is contrary to our nature – we…

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My Three Daughters

I will always be your father; no one can take that away I will always love you more than the words for love can say If I could only turn back the clock to begin all over again Back to the days when we could play together and pretend When I could hold you in my arms and make you…

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