Expressing the Inexpressible

How can I express the inexpressible? Perhaps… silence? If I listen to music, music expresses itself. If I watch and listen to creation all around me, creation expresses itself; if I look closely, I see beautiful expressions inexpressible. I perceive that the inexpressible must, by necessity, express itself. We must learn to look and listen to the inexpressible. God is…

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Cogitation and Meaning

What is the meaning of words? What is the meaning of meaning? Questions search for answers. Answers create more questions. The cycle is endless because knowledge is an endless river flowing from God, the source of all knowledge. A look at the meaning of words requires the study of numerous categories of knowledge. It requires thought. Thought requires vocabulary. The…

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Confronting Self

Each and every person ever born must sooner or later confront the truth of their moral condition. We are the unrighteous at the mercy of a righteous God. God Himself solved our dilemma of unrighteousness by substitutionary atonement – the just for the unjust (Romans 3:26), so His justice is served and our justification is provided for by the cross-work…

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The Holy Union of Marriage

Marriage is a union of one man and one woman who become one holy unit, one holy union. This holy union is a covenant, witnessed by God (Malachi 2:14-16). The Lord’s intimate involvement renders the marriage commitment a spiritual union for life (Matthew 19:6). One of the purposes of marriage is to enjoy one another in true companionship (Genesis 2:18;…

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Victory Through Grace – Walk Worthy of Him

Believe for salvation – confess for restoration and communion: The salvation of the unbeliever results in initial union with God. The confession of the strayed believer results in restored communion with God. Believing for salvation and confession of sin are two completely different concepts and should never be interchanged. The unbeliever is never saved by confessing sin, and the believer…

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Christ’s Victorious Proclamations

VICTORIOUS PROCLAMATION #1 Prior to Christ’s resurrection, all the way back to the days of Adam, believers had waited in Paradise for the promised Savior. Finally, Christ made His Victorious Entrance and His Victorious Proclamation that He went to the cross, paid the penalty for sin, and that their salvation was completed, once and for all, just as God promised…

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In this study, we will examine God’s Word concerning creation. We will also view science and the so-called “scientific” laws of the universe from the Biblical perspective. Note: We identify the words spoken by Christ in red, the same as is presented in the Red Letter Edition of the King James Bible. Our study is divided as follows: CREATION SCIENCE…

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Heaven – Infinity Future

HEAVEN Infinity Future   Unless stated otherwise, all Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible or the New Living Translation of the King James Version.   The Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture. Please look up the Scripture references in your Bible, read along, and listen to the Holy Spirit. If one shortcuts Bible doctrine, one cuts off the…

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Volitional and Spiritual Maturity

There are three phases of God’s plan (previously studied): Phase 1 – Salvation (also previously studied); Phase 2 – The Believer in Time; Phase 3 – Eternity. Volitional maturity relates to the believer in time. Volition simply stated is: Self-determination – the freedom to choose (in this case, positively or negatively). Maturity, on the other hand, is the inculcation of…

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The Fall of Man

Webmaster’s Note: A deeper understanding of both God and the Living Word comes not only from accurate Bible study materials and proper instruction, but also from you. When you take your time, meditate upon key points, and look up given verses for yourself, in your very own Bible, your walk with the Lord takes on a whole new meaning; consider…

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The Nature of Humanity

THE PRODUCTION OF THE HUMAN SIN-NATURE People are basically the same wherever we go and wherever we find them, except for certain characteristics such as: culture, color, language, personality, and physical appearance. These differences are distinguishable, but they are only superficial. Man’s nature is inherently human. Thus, all mankind share a common denominator – the human nature, the nature to…

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Cultural Surrender

There can be no effective cultural change until a spiritual change takes place in the individual. For this to occur, the local church must teach and equip each believer to be an informed and effective communicator. Spiritual transformation occurs when the individual trusts the cross-work of Christ and begins to metabolize and store Bible doctrine in the soul ready for…

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Happiness – Fulfillment Found

Webmaster’s Note: A deeper understanding of both God and the Living Word comes not only from accurate Bible study materials and proper instruction, but also from you. When you take your time, meditate upon key points, and look up given verses for yourself, in your very own Bible, your walk with the Lord takes on a whole new meaning; consider…

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