Lasting Pleasures vs. Temporary, Fleeting Happiness

CHRISTIAN INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION Look around you. It is evident everywhere. Humanity is in a “frantic search for happiness.” The pleasures people seek are physical, and physical pleasures are always short-lived, futile, and often have future consequences, which are many times more harmful than the enjoyment they first brought. Self-control, prudence, and recognition are prerequisites to finding true inner-happiness, not fleeting…

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The Weight of Self

People spend much time pursuing ambition, material possessions, and lusts of the flesh and of the sin nature, when infinite peace and joy are available to them every day. People allow peer pressure in the work place, social groups, and other relationships to keep them distracted and competing for temporary happiness and material possessions. Inordinate ambition and materialism are a…

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The Doctrine of Grace

MAN IS THE RECIPIENT AND BENEFICIARY OF GRACE BECAUSE OF CHRIST Second only to the Doctrine of the Deity of Christ, the most important study we will ever undertake is the Doctrine of Grace – God’s graciousness. We cannot even begin to know our Great God and Savior until we metabolize His grace. The word grace in the Greek is…

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The Deity of Christ – Part Two

The doctrine of The Deity of Jesus Christ the Son of God is the most important doctrine in the Bible. A study of the deity of Christ cannot exceed God’s own presentation from His divine viewpoint, which is manifested in Scripture. Therefore, the Word of God must be presented and accepted as inerrant, literally alive, and therefore the absolute representation…

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Commitment and faithfulness are moral virtues which help bind families together. The moral dimension in America has disintegrated to a serious moral disorder. Sex dominates the media, especially TV. To avoid the immoral sexual bombardment, my wife and I mainly watch sports (and even then only a few select games and teams, minus commercials because they too exploit sex), history,…

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The Eternal State

I pray this study of the eternal state will increase your faith, humble your heart, and nourish your soul… for Christ and in Christ, Amen. What happens to the believer after death? Will we be married in Heaven? Will we still be a family in heaven? Just as life begins at physical birth for each of us here on earth,…

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Principle vs. Principle

In the material world, survival depends on the spiritual. Don’t ask what’s wrong with American morals, ethics, and responsibility. Ask where is the spiritual discernment in each American. America is in a battle for survival, a battle of principle against principle – principle against principalities. Christians must remain true to Christ and true to the calling in Christ – take…

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Speaking of “Offensive”

Why is the word “Gospel” offensive to people? Because the Gospel gives all the credit to Christ’s finished work on the Cross and thereby gives all the glory to God through His Son. Humanity cannot stand not getting any of the credit because each individual must abandon the concepts of human merit and human ego, and trust the death, burial,…

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Disagreement – Tolerance – Judgment

DISAGREEMENT – TOLERANCE – JUDGMENT If disagreement did not exist, then tolerance would be unnecessary. Real differences exist between real people, therefore tolerance is a necessity to co-existence. Dialogue between persons of differing viewpoints requires respect, not agreement. Tolerance is best defined as we agree to disagree, with respect. The understanding by both parties that two differing views cannot be…

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A Flourishing Mental Life

The tangled false self (embraced by most of us) struggles subconsciously with a myriad of mental issues. Perhaps from childhood struggles of pain, lack of affirmation, fears, anxieties, embarrassments, failure (real or imagined). The way we deal with the problem details of our thinking-reactions determines our lifestyle. What empties or fills our thinking-reactions may be true, imagined, or emotional. The…

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God’s Plan

Genesis 1:1 through 2:8 is like a target with concentric lines leading to a bullseye; a beginning point between man and God; a place where truth becomes reality and reality becomes false. God’s Plan centers around Christ, the Personification of Truth. Each facet of Scripture is designed as a directive, pointing to the bullseye – Christ. Humanity has a sin…

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Heaven (An In-Depth Study)

Webmaster’s Note: A deeper understanding of both God and the Living Word comes not only from accurate Bible study materials and proper instruction, but also from you. When you take your time, meditate upon key points, and look up given verses for yourself, in your very own Bible, your walk with the Lord takes on a whole new meaning. We…

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Legalizing Grace is “Illegal”

If you do not believe in Eternal Security, you are legalizing the Grace of God and that… is “illegal.” Just as you cannot work for salvation, you cannot work to keep yourself saved (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans Chapter 8; Romans 11:5-6,33,36). God saved us through Christ and God keeps us saved through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:35-39). Notice I said God…

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