The First Step to Peace with God is Faith in the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as Payment in Full for Your Sins.
The gospel represents all the facts for eternal life.
The Bible is the mind of Jesus Christ for the thinking benefit of mankind before and after salvation.
Walk in the peace of God’s light – Bible Doctrine and God will conform you to the image of Christ.
Peace with God is the filling of the spirit, sins confessed, advancing in God’s plan with a relaxed mental attitude.
Peace with God is maintained by walking in the light of scripture inhaling and exhaling God’s word; by prayer; naming your sins resulting in fellowship with God; church attendance – fellowship with believers; living in God’s will by applying God’s Word in your daily life.
When you are at peace with God and self you can be at peace in the world and with the world. Meditate in God’s Word. The Holy Spirit gives us a relaxed mental attitude as He bears witness with our human spirit that we are His children – a Holy Priesthood acceptable to God because of Christ.
When you are at peace with God you will allow things to unfold, rather than, trying to force or manipulate the circumstances in your life.
When you are at peace with God you will possess feelings of
appreciation and thankfulness.
When you are at peace with God, there will be no need to judge others.
When you are following God’s plan for your life, you will accept the circumstances of your life peacefully because you know God is in charge and has allowed them in order to make us what he wants us to become. In so doing God is glorified as we advance in spiritual maturity.
When you are using your God-given talents, like others in the body of Christ, the world benefits and God is glorified.
Peace is the confident assurance that we are in fellowship, in God’s plan and confidently moving toward our ultimate objective – maturity as believers and rewards in eternity. Peace with self and peace with God is the ultimate experience for the advancing Christian.
When you help others you imitate our Savior and God is glorified.
When you reach out to other people most will take your hand. God will reach out to you and fill your heart with compassion, understanding and the peace of God which passes all understanding will calm your soul and warm your heart in Christ Jesus.
Advancing in God’s Plan develops humility. Humility steps aside so that God is glorified. Because of increased humility, our Christian character, our faith and our prayer life become more effective, more meaningful and intimate. There is nothing sweeter, nothing more beautiful, more comforting, than walking intimately with God.
We will fail him along the way, but he knew our every failure billions of years ago. He chose to die for us anyway because he loved us anyway.
As the old time gospel song says: “Blessed assurance Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of glory divine.” Remember to be submissive, confidently trusting the absolute integrity of God. Walk the lighted path of doctrine all the way to the high ground of maturity and on to eternity.
Our faith anticipates the integrity of God and the future he designed for us in eternity past. Confidence in God is the hope of our life now and forever. Metabolized Doctrine applied to experience, trials & suffering, build spiritual character, glorify God and God gives us eternal rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Thus, the maturing believer can enjoy a personal sense of destiny – a perfect destiny planned by God before the world began.
Does your faith-rest life need new life? God’s word breathes new life into your faith. If you lack assurance, you need Bible Doctrine.
Happy Studying!