Originally written in 1995 after my mother passed into Heaven to be with the Lord. She waits in bliss for me.
Edna Jeanette Craig (Hickman) October 10, 1921 – August 15, 1995
Written by the Lord’s inspiration. Mom seemed to speak softly to me and I just listened and wrote…
A Piece of My Soul
My son, now that I’m gone, I want you to know
God has given you a piece of my soul
Through the years I wrote poems and hid them away
I knew they would be found after I was gone one day
I wrote of loneliness and despair during two different wars
When your Father fought for freedom on far distant shores
I wrote of my love for you children and your Dad
The only complete family I ever really had
My son, you were always so kind, so thoughtful and true
And you loved me, with the same heart, I love you
Then, as I began dying, you began writing and I knew
God was giving a piece of my soul to you
As I grew weaker and weaker and nearer to pass
Your talent grew stronger, your pen more fast
I will speak to you often in years to come
I’ll always be with you ‘till your time is done
Listen for my whispers; you’ll know my voice
I will speak words of rhyme and wisdom’s choice
Until next time, I love you my son
You have a piece of my soul, and we are one.
– C. S. Craig
Mom (actually, the Lord) seemed to really speak to me again in December 1995, when I wrote “From Heaven With Love” (See “Family Thoughts” and “Poetry” links for these and many more. I hope you enjoy.)
After Mom passed, my dad became very depressed and seemed to have given up on life. So God inspired me and I sat down and wrote both of these poems in about one and a half hours, each.
When he received this poem he called me and said: “I know your mother wrote this through you. I just know this is from her somehow. Thank you, son”, and we both cried just a little. We had never done that together and it was never repeated – but it was special and intimate.
Later he told me: “It gave me new hope so I could go on.” Dad lived another nine years and adjusted just fine from that moment on. Dad and Mom loved my poetry.
The Lord gave me a piece of my mother’s soul. God gave me the gift of expression. I love God more than I love the world! I’ll always hate aging, suffering, injustice, and death.
From physical death the soul and spirit of the believer rises to be with the Lord God and so shall we ever be with the Lord. One day we’ll all be eternally together and there will be no more death, no more sorrow, no more suffering and pain, for the old things will have passed away and all things will become new, because of the Father’s plan and the Son’s execution of that plan.
The Holy Spirit reveals God’s plan for the redemption and life of all those who wait for Christ’s return. Even so come, Lord Jesus. I wait for the Lord’s silent shout when Christ calls my name to come up hither.
I sincerely pray that every reader will receive Jesus Christ as personal Savior (John 1:12; 3:16; Acts 16:31).
Believe and receive, right now. Something wonderful awaits you.
Happy Studying!