As God speaks quietly to my soul, I am listening and writing. Although my hearing is such that I have much trouble distinguishing sounds, I will always know the sound of my Master’s voice. These words are God’s song of inspiration in my heart and I will share them with the world. As He exhales, I inhale – my life is God’s breath.
If God calls you home, Pop, you will always be, like Mother, a love song in my heart. You were a sailor, a radar man in fact, and so from this I know your ship is chartered and you may soon be riding high on the sea of love.
God is with you now – He is your Captain. As radar man on God’s ship, you will be fixed on Heaven’s gate. Yes, the echoes on your radar screen are true… ’tis straight ahead – Heaven’s shore.
When you see Heaven’s lights, they will appear like brilliant crystals and sparkling diamonds brighter than the sun. You will be home with Mom and I will be thinking of you.
You may or may not pass away to our Savior… only God knows your exact time. But, while you are in the hospital I find myself reflecting over our lives together. I recall the many happy days with you and Mom, Adele and George. I think of my children and all the family and I am forever humbled, eternally grateful to have lived as your son.
I hear the sound of Heaven’s trumpet. It has reached my ears. God’s voice has mentioned your name, Pop. I know each breath could be your last here on Earth, but your final inhale will exhale right into Heaven. The brightness of God’s face will enlighten your born-again spirit.
As His mighty hand steers you toward home and the wind blows your hair with the sails, I see you waving a last farewell. Take a deep breath of Heaven’s fresh air. Look at your Captain’s face and touch the holes in His hands.
God is with you Pop, as I write these loving thoughts. He is present in your hospital room. Perhaps He will call you to come aboard his eternal ship, perhaps not – His will be done. It would be awesome, Pop, if God allowed me to read this little love story to you, myself. It is written as your memorial and I would be so honored if you could know what I have written and what will be said at your passing.
Update: God answered my prayer. I was able to read this to my Dad after he was released from the hospital. He was overwhelmed with emotion and very touched deep in his soul. Thank you Lord that we shared this beautiful memorial together.
As we all learn over the years, the weight of our sin nature increases, and the gravity of aging slowly gains the upper hand. With each passing year our body grows tired and worn. The seasons pass, the raging storms have taken their toll. Our body is but a tent as the Apostle Paul described in 2 Cor. 5:2. The canvass which covers our soul becomes quite thin and we become chilled by the cold, torn by the wind.
Your tent, Pop, will be replaced by a mansion as you are transfigured into God’s marvelous light. I know there are many wonderful things in Heaven. I also know there are many things absent in Heaven. There is no sorrow, no hate, no aging, no death, no tears, no remorse, no tents.
I am always amazed, Lord, that in times of sorrow or grief, even in times when others lose control or panic, you always give me such peace. Your quiet, overwhelming assurance radiates through the pages of Scripture stored in my soul, and the flood gates of your wisdom fill my spirit with warmth and calmness, strength and courage. And now the end is near and my Dad may soon be with you Lord, and with my Mother and baby Georgia Lee, my infant sister. What a wonderful reunion that must be and I can hardly wait to have my own reunion. I love you, Pop. Farewell until we meet on Heaven’s shore.
Thank you Lord for my Dad! Please Lord, would you say hi to my Mother and tell her I love her.
One more thing Lord, when you walked the Earth you left your footprints for mankind to follow, a guide to light the way. My dad too, left his footprints… they are on my heart.
July 18, 2000
Chauncey S. Craig – Proud son of George W. Craig. Sr. December 13, 1918 – March 31, 2004