Life has reason, which reason does not know.
The mills of faith grind slowly but surely; they grind exceedingly fine when mixed with Biblical Truths.
To mature is to learn discipline, respect, control, and tolerance for the lack of same in others.
The journey begins with the breath of soul-life, and ends with its removal.
Yesterday is not a dream, it is a memory – some have made it a nightmare.
It is always tomorrow, in the present.
Out of eternity came this day, and back again, there to stay.
The use of time is either productive or destructive.
The spirit of liberty is the spirit to choose, the spirit to accept or reject, the spirit to believe or not believe, the spirit of life in Christ.
The map to God is a map of endless light, expressed in His Word for all to travel.
God, in grace, by faith, has propelled America to greatness. Americans, in disgrace, lacking faith, will set a course to disaster.
At life’s end, humanity will either win or lose. There is either certain defeat or certain victory. Therefore, it is not what we believe, but in Whom we believe. It is not what we do or don’t do, but what Christ did for us that determines the losers and the victors. Christ died that humanity may live victorious, now and forever. In Christ, there is no game, no fame, no shame, just victory.
Eastern philosophy undermines the mind of man. Religion undermines the mind of God.
Only truth is exclusive of contradiction.
Learn to see through the eyes of God, through Christ, through the Word, by the Holy Spirit.
All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise noted.