Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventy-Nine)


Knowing how trivial we are, how depraved, should keep us humble in the pursuits of life.

Just as the bud of a flower injured by the frost will not open, so too a child or person injured without encouragement or warm praises of affirmation may not open themselves to the world outside themselves. Retreat into oneself is what psychologists call neurosis. Love therefore is critical to all human personalities. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us love is kind and servient to others. Lovingkindness is stabilizing and curative. Its absence can have devastating effect, hence the intense attack against the sanctity of the family over the last 60+ years…

We are all products of those around us, by their love or their ill-treatment. I believe we live in the age of anxiety caused by myriad circumstances that accompany everyday life, from the job to the commute to the financial liabilities caused by instant gratification syndrome. Perhaps we all need to learn and recognize that the most meaningful moments in life are those which witness and absorb truth, beauty, insight, learning, love, faith, and giving.

Healthy, thoughtful thinking creates healthy behavior. The realities of life are what we humans either cause or are affected by in our relationships with others.

We can be free and learn to look for truth, beauty, love, learning, and hope if we look for ways to serve and help our fellow man; if we learn to look past our bias, our color, our nationality, our social and financial status…

We must be willing to be wounded by humanity if humanity is to be saved.

Christ was humiliated, tortured, mocked, spat upon, crucified, and rejected by earth and Heaven. Is that a picture of love and love’s price, which may be sacrifice, suffering, and shame?

Suffering has a deep purpose. We must find and understand that purpose if we are to find our redemption.

As the perpetual windstorms have blown across timeless ages, I wonder what life is all about. I wonder too about bygone times and peoples – how much we must have in common because inside ourselves we were predestined by Father God.

When we find the truth of Christ and trust His finished work, we find eternal life. Jesus is the way up, the path over, and the pass through to victory.

Life is a process with a purpose, and the purpose of life is to accept Christ as Savior and Lord of life.

When the Lord destroys the universe, it will melt into oblivion – burst into nothingness.

Because we are imperfect by sin, we cannot be perfect by works. Perfection is achieved only by imputation, by which God imputes His own righteousness, because of Christ.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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