The Holy Spirit enlightens mankind regarding sin, righteousness, and judgment. In our walk through life, we either negate the working of the Holy Spirit leading our thinking-life (Romans 8:6,13), or we negate the works of the flesh – the sin nature (Romans 6:6;8:4; Galatians 5:16; 1 John 4:4). It is always one or the other, back and forth, and the choice is always ours. Be vigilant in your walk. Self-evaluate daily. Stay on the right path.
The devil is in the world – the devil rules the world. Christ is in us – believers. Greater is Christ!
God called us to salvation, then God gave us the Holy Spirit for empowerment so that we could walk worthy of our calling. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Administrator of history.
Genesis to Revelation – beginning to consummation.
I have spent the better part of 58 years of my life learning, studying, thinking, and applying God’s fascinating Word. The Bible is inspired by God to equip man for battle with the self, the world, and the evil inherent in each of us.
Satan is behind the scenes. Satan is the personification of untruth, of evil. Christ is the personification of truth. Together, they are enemies of the highest order. Christ’s enemies are the believer’s, and mankind’s, enemies as well.