Comprehending What Seems to be Incomprehensible

To truly know and even begin to understand God, our Creator, you must allow God to tell you what He is like. God is so far above us that we can best know Him by studying His own revelations of Himself.

The revelations in nature, in life, and in the Bible help us to visualize invisible God, help us to understand the misunderstood God, help us to comprehend the incomprehensible God, and the Savior, Christ Jesus, Our Lord.

Truth matters… in science, in life, in Christ. The real battle is between truth and untruth, between good and evil, between satan and Christ. There will be only one Victor: Jesus Christ.

Who is your leader? Personally, I have chosen Christ by response to His call to me. God, through Christ, is to be honored, respected, and loved as Creator, Savior, and Lord. Praise Him, appreciate Him, and worship Him. Give God the glory – credit Him.

God more than sanctifies and satisfies our intellectual curiosity.

Happy Studying!



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