The Bible (God’s inspired Word) is the true narrative that answers the greatest questions of life. God has provided His truths of reality (His and ours) and His divine solutions.
The Bible brings true reality into proper perspective. We cannot hear God as plainly if we’re not reading/studying His Word. Believers must be devoted followers of Christ, living what the Bible teaches.
Adam, the first man, “fell” by disobedience (died – spiritually separated from God. In order to redeem humankind, God sent His Son, the “second Adam” (because there was no other way) to pay the spiritual death penalty. In the fullness time. God Himself in Christ/Messiah came to redeem us. Christ saved us from our dark separation from God in sin. So, God sent Christ to redeem humankind. Since the resurrection and the ascension and seating of the humanity of Christ at the right hand of God in the Kingdom of Heaven, Christ has sent us into the world with the Gospel of redemption – the Gospel of Truth. Truth is a person – Jesus Christ.
Happy Studying!
February 20, 2020