Textual Criticism

Formal Equivalence

“Word for word” or “literal” translation of Scripture is termed the principle of formal equivalence as it develops and reveals as nearly as possible the structural usage of the original languages. It seeks to represent each word of the original text with an exact equivalent word in our modern English that most closely represents the original intent of the historical author, based on syntax, culture, and verbal plenary inspiration by the Holy Spirit, based from the original language. However, the student must understand that the exact literal meaning (rendering) of ancient idioms is especially difficult.

Functional Equivalence

A thought-for-thought consideration and translation of Scripture text. This is the process of extracting the known meaning of a text from its form and then translating that meaning so that it impacts us today just as it impacted the original readers and hearers.

Optimal Equivalence

Studies the semantic and linguistic equivalents of Scripture.

All three equivalences are imperative for accuracy.

February 28, 2020



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