Distractions of the world – enticements – interfere in our relationship with God. When Christ became incarnate (became human so He could be related to humanity), He did so to go to the cross so we could be “related” to God. Being in Christ, we are made holy because He is holy. We become adopted children because Christ is the human Son of God the Father.
Being in Christ is our sacred position. The Holy Spirit in us is our seal, our guarantee, our empowerment, our guiding light while we remain on the earth as ambassadors. We are daily confronted by good and evil.
Keep in mind the fall of satan in eternity-past (before time began) opened the windows of time and of history for the angels to learn and observe inferior mankind first-hand, and the plan of God to redeem fallen man; while executing His plan, God is redeeming mankind by His grace, and restoring all creation to holiness, all while honoring our personal decisions to accept His Son or to reject Him.
Both falls – satan’s (angelic) and Adam’s (mankind’s fall as a whole) have in common restoration by the redemptive plan of God, so that the events of eternity-past and all of time consummate to the end, that God is glorified forever and ever.
March 27, 2020