The Fall of Man

Webmaster’s Note: A deeper understanding of both God and the Living Word comes not only from accurate Bible study materials and proper instruction, but also from you. When you take your time, meditate upon key points, and look up given verses for yourself, in your very own Bible, your walk with the Lord takes on a whole new meaning; consider taking notes so you will have something to refer back to. We encourage you to enjoy your time spent drawing closer to the Lord as you learn more about Him, and to please take your time in doing so. The truths of God’s Word are meant to be digested and meditated upon thoughtfully, not read through like a novel.

This is another incredible and detailed study that we hope you will find both enjoyable and enlightening. Grab your Bible and prepare to learn some amazing things regarding the event that started it all… the event that ruined everything.

– G. W. Craig


A Categorical Study by C. S. Craig

As we begin our study, it is imperative that we understand and remember that human nature and sin nature are synonymous terms.

Open the Word of Truth to Genesis chapter 3. In our previous studies, we examined the Doctrine of Angels and the Fall of Satan. By way of review, we saw that satan began to think with arrogance toward God through negative volition. We discussed the “Five I Wills” in Isaiah 14:13&14. Satan’s negative volition and power lusts were his downfall – his “first fall” (Ezekiel 28:15-17). The second and third falls are yet future.

The “second” fall occurs in the middle of the Tribulation, when satan is permanently cast out of heaven to the earth (Revelation 12:9). At that point, satan and the fallen angels will be incarcerated for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3).

Satan apparently appealed his sentence. For whatever reason, God postponed the execution of it until the middle of the Tribulation (Daniel 11:40; 12:1-13). The Tribulation begins at the Rapture of church age believers (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17), and lasts for seven years. It is also called “the end of the times of the Gentiles.”

The Tribulation period is followed by the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. This time the Jews will finally recognize and receive Him as their Messiah. Christ the Messiah will destroy the enemies of the Jews and establish the Millennial Kingdom wherein Christ will rule with believers of the church age for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-7; 2 Samuel 7:12).

At the end of the Millennium, satan will be loosed for a short time. He will stir up the nations once again in revolt against God (Revelation 20:7-9). But this is his final effort to overthrow God. Satan, of course, loses, and he and his crowd are cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). This is the “third fall” and satan’s final fall. He shall be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10; Ezekiel 28:18&19).

The appeal of satan also appears to be the reason for the creation of man. Satan’s objection must have been that “a loving God would not be fair by destroying His created beings.” Therefore, God elected to demonstrate to satan that his demise in the Lake of Fire is perfectly compatible with God’s perfect righteousness and justice.

Another reason for the creation of man has been put forth, one which proposes that “One-third of the angels fell by satan’s persuasion. This one-third will be replaced by elect believers.”

There are elect angels and elect believers (Isaiah 42:1; 45:4; 65:9,22; Mark 13:27; Luke 18:7; Romans 8:33; Colossians 3:12; 1 Timothy 5:21; 1 Peter 1:2; 2:6). In other words, God holds back judgement until the exact number of believers equals the exact number of fallen angels, which indicates that the exact number of created beings, before satan’s fall, will be the same at the end of time, as originally created. Interesting concept there.

After the Great White Throne Judgement of Revelation 20:11-15, God will remove all traces of sin in the universe by destroying all original creation (2 Peter 3:7-13). God will then create a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1-4). There will never again be sin, nor will there be any memory of it. Time will be “no more.”

Now, eternity will be as it once was, before the fall of satan and man, before time, before sin. In other words, eternity future will be as it was at a point in eternity past.

We know that the angels, both elect and fallen, are observers of the human race. We know that the elect angels rejoice over each unbeliever that believes (Luke 15:7&10). Be sure to read these two verses for yourself… look them up … get your Bible… use it. This is not a letter. It is a study that requests your participation, your desire to learn God’s Word, and the discipline to concentrate. If much of the work, study, research and development of these categorical doctrines has already been prepared for you, you can do your part, which is to look up the verses. By doing so, the edification of your mind and soul will increase exponentially. We humbly thank you.

So now, as the good and bad angels look down from Heaven to the earth, God demonstrates His perfect righteousness and justice by creating man to resolve satan’s appeal.

The Book of Genesis is the embryo for most of the major doctrines of the Bible, as well as the origin of man. Please turn to Genesis chapter 3, verse 1.


“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” The Hebrew word for serpent means refracted lightshining one. So we know that the serpent was some sort of glowing transparency of light.

The serpent was obviously closely associated with the woman. We can deduce this by the fact that the serpent is in casual and normal conversation with the woman. He may have even been a “pet” of sorts. These are probably two of the reasons satan chose to indwell the serpent, to attack the woman. Plus, she would be caught off guard, she would not be suspicious of her friend, or “pet,” as the case may be. “And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Notice, satan said every tree of the garden. (Remember, satan indwells the serpent. It is satan speaking through the serpent.) God had not said “every.” God gave prohibition to only one tree (Genesis 2:17). You should also be aware that satan did not even refer to God by His proper name or title. In Genesis 3, verse 1, the Holy Spirit, through Moses, the writer of Genesis, refers to God as “LORD GOD” (Jehovah Elohim). Satan changed it using only “Elohim.” There is a difference between the two titles.

In the Old Testament, Lord refers to Jehovah. Jehovah is the name which refers to any one of the three persons of the Trinity. It is also the name for God in relationship to man.

Jehovah is also singular and therefore places the emphasis on divine essence. The word “God” refers to Elohim.

Elohim is the plural reference for all three members of the Godhead. Elohim is also the name of God in transcendence, and is used for the Creator.

Satan used “Elohim” only, ignoring the proper title between God and man and merely recognized a Supreme Being. Satan, since his first fall by negative volition, shows improper respect for God (thus we return the favor in-kind by not capitalizing the name of satan or lucifer on this site). He disregards God’s true title. He is always contrary to God. Also, notice that woman’s response is the same… she responded using only Elohim“God hath said,” when she too, knew Him as Jehovah.

The trees in the garden were placed there for man’s nourishment, providing their food. Remember, when God created the garden, He created it as a perfect environment for Adam and the woman.

I keep using the term “woman.” This is not done to be offensive, it is done because this is her name. “Eve” becomes her name after the fall (Genesis 2:23). Ladies, please keep this in mind. We have nothing but respect for you here.

Prohibition was for one tree only – “The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil.” Now, here is a point of doctrine: neither the tree nor the fruit caused the woman or Adam to “know good and evil.” The act of disobedience is what caused them to know good and evil. The tree did not give them this knowledge, it was the direct result of disobedience, negative volition, acting independent of God which did so. Furthermore, before the fall, they knew only good. After the fall, something was added… evil. Evil is the sin nature. Humanity’s nature is not only to now know evil but be prone to do evil, because this is our new nature – a fallen nature.

Satan’s strategy, therefore, is to get the woman to act independently of God, to become negative. He will appeal to ego. In other words, he will cause her to fall the same way he did when he fell. Remember, if satan can cause man to fall, then he thinks that his protest (appeal) will be won and God will have to withdraw his punishment. In other words, if man succumbs in his test in the garden, then satan thinks he will be vindicated.

But God knew, billions of years ago, before even the angels, man, or the universe was created, that man would also fall. And God made provision through His Son Jesus Christ to redeem us. God did not chose to tell us about satan’s opportunity to be saved after his fall. But we know that God is perfect integrity, perfect righteousness. Therefore, satan’s situation is between satan and God. This is probably the reason God has not stated it to us.

Now, let’s return to our context with these things in mind (Genesis 3:1).

Satan is implying that God is not fair, because God won’t allow her to eat from “every” tree in the Garden. Has God something to hide? Right here is where satan changed the thinking of the woman. She had never questioned God’s prerogative. She and Adam had never even thought to doubt God or to question His integrity. This is perfect faith from creatures who were perfectly created.

Now notice the woman’s casual response. “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; But of the fruit of which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it lest you die.”

Now, is that what God said? Look again at Genesis 2:17. God did not say they could not touch the tree. So, here we see a little problem with Eve; she seems a little unsure of exactly what God said. This doubting apparently is because Adam has told her what God said. The Scripture does not state anywhere that God told the woman directly not to eat of the tree. God told Adam only in Genesis 2:16. The woman was not yet created. This means that Adam instructed Woman not to eat.

In addition, he probably told her, just to be on the safe side, do not go near the tree, do not even touch it. Here we have another reason why satan made his attack on the woman: she learned from the man and the man was instructed by God directly. Therefore satan could more easily cause doubt in the woman. He could more easily deceive the woman.

Remember she is created perfect, therefore her memory, her recall, is perfect. Up to this point, Adam and the woman have total recall, perfectly, because God created them that way. The sin nature is a distorter of the truth and of totally accurate recall.

Satan, in the serpent, goes on to say, “You shall not surely die; for God knows that in the day you eat thereof your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God (Elohim, plural), knowing good from evil.” In the Hebrew, what satan really said was close to the truth, he really said, “dying, you shall not die.” Notice how very close yet how very far satan’s statement is from the truth. Read what I just wrote, again – “dying, you shall not die.” He must have used a little sarcasm here as well as stating part of the truth in question form,  “dying? you shall not surely die.”

This is trickery. This is deceit. The Holy Spirit clearly states that the woman was “deceived, whereas the man was not deceived; but both transgressed” (1 Timothy 2:14).

Satan has just said, “dying (spiritual death) which is true; you will not die (meaning immediate physical death).” Woman did die the second she bit into the fruit.

Humanity does the same thing today. People tell the truth but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Did you ever wonder where this “oath” came from or why our forefathers decided to have all witnesses and defendants put their hand on a Bible in court sessions?

Somebody knew a little doctrine. They knew humanity’s “nature.” Therefore, swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, at one time in our country, had meaning to people.

Norms and standards have been dramatically neutralized over the past forty years or so, because there has been a falling away from the Word of God. Even God Himself is no longer recognized as the supreme authority.

We are talking about character and integrity. To lie about something used to cause fear in people. The conscience, without Biblical Standards, cannot convict where there is no knowledge. If there is no conviction, then there is no guilt. Today’s standards are so liberal that people are no longer as able to ascertain the difference between right and wrong; swearing to God on the Bible does not carry the same fear or respect that it once did. People are becoming more and more Godless. When a maximum number of people in a nation become negative toward God and His Word, God will bring that nation under judgement.

America needs to get back to God and the days not too long ago when parents disciplined children; when families attended Church on Sunday morning; when God was taught in our schools. People reverenced God and His Word, and these are the reasons why God blessed America. Unfortunately, this is no longer the America which our forefathers founded.

American integrity as a whole is contrary to God’s Word, “The Truth.”

Verse 6: The Woman is listening to the serpent (satan) and for the first time she is now tempted. She is not thinking on what Adam said, rather on what satan is suggesting. In other words, she is now listening to “false doctrine” when she should have immediately separated herself from it (2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 4:1,16). She found some logic in satan’s statement. She is thinking, Why shouldn’t I be able to eat of all the trees? That doesn’t seem very fair. Plus, she can be “like God.”

Having God’s knowledge and power and authority was satan’s plan to distort the thinking of the woman. Now the woman is starting to doubt God and consider satan’s words. She hasn’t made the decision yet, but she is tempted. Temptation in itself is not a sin. Following through by succumbing and committing the act of disobedience is, when sin enters the picture.

Satan is tempting her by planting seeds of doubt in her mind. So, she begins to question. She is looking at the Tree. She has noticed how beautiful it is and that the food looks delicious in Genesis 3:6. She apparently has never even been close to the tree, in complete obedience to her husband Adam, and God. We can also assume that she was taking a walk with her “pet” the serpent, and as they were talking they walked towards the tree. It is obviously the first time she has been close to the tree or she would not have been so impressed or surprised by its beauty; she would have known this already.

What did she think as she looked close-up at the tree? (1) The tree was good for food; (2) It was pleasant (beautiful) to look at; (3) A tree to be desired to make one wise (like God).

So, what did she do? She reached out and “took the fruit.” Now, she has the fruit in her hand, and nothing happened. She must’ve thought, I’m okay, I’ve touched it, I’m holding it, and nothing has happened. My friend the serpent must be right. So she decides to take a bite (negative volition), “and did eat.” This is the first sin ever committed.

BOOM! She instantly died spiritually. Her light of radiance that had clothed her went out. She realizes that she has been deceived because she is now naked. Her radiance, her created radiance of beauty that God gave her, is no more.

She also began dying physically (she began to age) from that moment on. How do we know this? Because the literal translation of Genesis 2:17 is “dying thou shalt die.” It is in the plural, meaning two deaths occurred. The first was spiritual, which resulted in the second: eventual physical death. She began dying physically.

Now Adam must have been looking for her. He must have looked towards the middle of the garden and saw her walking straight to the tree. He must have called out and began to run to her, shouting, but he was too late. We know this is probably what happened because suddenly God inserts, right in the middle of verse six, “and gave to her husband.” Adam is not mentioned at any point since the conversation began between the serpent and the woman. Maybe he heard her screaming and came quickly to help her.

Can you imagine how Adam must have felt? He is running towards his wife and her light disappears, it goes out. He must have been horrified, terrified. He gets to her too late. She has been deceived and stands naked. They have not seen or known nakedness. But now they do. They are shocked by what has happened. She knows she was deceived. She has died spiritually. She feels terrible guilt.

She calls out to Adam for help. He arrives and is totally dismayed. She begs him to help her. He can do nothing!

He listens to his wife’s screams of terror, her pleas for help. He loves her. He does not want her to face God alone when He comes in the cool of the day. She probably said, “Here, eat the fruit so you will be like me. At least we’ll both be together.” How do we know that this is about the way the conversation must have gone?

Please turn with me to Genesis 3:17: “And unto Adam because you have harkened unto the voice of your wife,” plus the last part of Genesis 3:6, “and gave also unto her husband, and he did eat.” Adam willingly took of the fruit, whereas the woman was deceived.

Verse 7: “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

Adam did several things in the process of his willful sin: (1) Adam chose to obey his wife. (2) His obedience to his wife meant he chose to disobey to God. (3) He temporarily surrendered his authority to the wife. (4) He allowed his emotions to rule his soul, meaning his emotions dictated his actions, therefore he could not be objective in his thinking. (5) He also became obedient to satan, rather than God.

Mankind has been doing the same thing ever since.

What was man’s first action after his fall? Self-righteousness. In other words, man trying to make himself right with God. This is absolutely impossible. Yet Adam and his wife sewed fig leaves together in a futile attempt to cover their unrighteousness.

They recognized their failure, their sinful condition, and tried to make the adjustment to God by covering their own sin. Man, to this very day, is still trying to make himself right with God, by his own efforts, his own work, his own good deeds.

By covering themselves, they would not see each other’s nakedness. Therefore they were also trying to adjust to each other. They reasoned that if they were properly adjusted to each other, that they would be properly adjusted to God. This is anthropocentric philosophy. Do you understand the principle involved here? This is religion. Man, rather than throw himself on the mercy of God, tries to solve his sinful condition by his own efforts.

People who say or think, I am going to heaven because I love my neighbor and treat him right, or I am going to heaven because I pay my debts, or because I don’t beat my wife, or because I attend church, or because I give my tithe every Sunday, or I’m a good Catholic or Protestant or Jew, or I keep the law most of the time, or I am a good person and God knows my heart. I’m going to Heaven because I’m properly adjusted to my fellow man therefore, I am adjusted to God.

But it just doesn’t work that way. All of the above are salvation by works. So, now let’s see if God accepts what Adam and Woman have done to adjust to their new fallen condition and to God.

Verse 8: “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.”

We should pause for a moment here to establish an important point of doctrine: The manifest (revealed) person of the Godhead to the human race, the second person of the Godhead or Trinity (John 1:18), the LORD GOD was JESUS CHRIST coming into the garden. We, of course are talking about the deity of Christ, not the humanity of Christ. The incarnation of the second person of the Godhead was, at the time of Adam in the garden, still future. The humanity of Jesus Christ had not yet been born.

Verse 9: “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where are you?” First of all, we must remember that God is omniscient (all-knowing). He knew exactly where Adam was hiding. This “review” of the fall of man is for our benefit.

When God questions, He already knows the answer. Also, you will notice that the LORD God called Adam, not the woman. Why do you suppose God called to Adam only? God called Adam because he was the responsible one.

Why would Adam hide from God? He just went to all the trouble of sewing fig leaves for a covering. This was supposed to make them presentable to God, right? But, in reality, when God finally came and called out to them, they realized that this wasn’t enough. Why? Because they were spiritually dead. Furthermore, God is omnipresent (everywhere simultaneously) and He knew exactly where Adam and his wife were hiding, and why.

Now, you should remember Adam and Woman were created with a body, a soul, and a human spirit (trichotomous). When they took of the fruit and did eat, they died spiritually. They now have to face God for the first time without their human spirit. They have a soul and a body (dichotomous), but now they have a human nature – a sin nature – the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong.

Adam’s human spirit is what gave him and his wife the ability to have fellowship with God (1 Peter 3:18; 1 Corinthians 15:45-50; John 4:24; 6:63). The only possible way for Adam, the woman, and every single human being that has ever lived since, to have their human spirits revived is by way of the cross.

We must learn, understand, and remember this strategic point of doctrine: As humanity, we cannot revive our condition of spiritual death. Man cannot give himself spiritual life. Only GOD can give spiritual life. God therefore is the only hope for fallen man. It is 100% impossible for any human being to earn or work their way to Heaven or to a relationship with God. This is why every human being must make their own decision to trust Jesus Christ, the Second person of the Trinity, who became true humanity and died on the cross for the entire human race.

Christ, therefore, died spiritually on the cross to redeem fallen man spiritually. His blood (spiritual sacrifice) cleanses us from all unrighteousness, and we are credited with His righteousness (Romans 1:16,17; 4:6-8; 4:11-13; the entire chapter of Romans 5; Romans 8:10; 9:30; 10:4&10; 14:17&18; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9; 2 Timothy 4:8; Hebrews 11:7&33; Genesis 15:6; Psalm 106:31; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:6; James 2:23; Isaiah 54:17; Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16; Hosea 2:19; Romans 3:22; 2 Peter 1:1; Malachi 4:2; Titus 2:14).

God imputed sin upon the entire human race when Adam disobeyed. But God imputes His very own righteousness to all them that believe (trust) in His own Son.

Imputed sin came by the first Adam. Imputed righteousness comes by the Second (last) Adam – Jesus Christ.

Those who will avoid the Last Judgement are believers wearing the righteousness of Christ (the coats of skins that Christ made to clothe Adam and His wife in Genesis 3:21). Reference also Isaiah 61:10; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 3:22-25.

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life,” and He says,no man cometh to the Father, but by me (John 14:6; reference also John 11:25; John 6:63).

The cross is a fact of history. Salvation is a fact of history. Salvation can be acquired only by FAITH IN THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS.

Are you trusting in Jesus Christ, or are you trusting in yourself? Reference Romans 1:16-20; 3:23-28; 4:3-8; 5:1; 8:10; 6:23; 8:1; 8:26-39.

Believe and receive (John 1:12).

Now, back to our context. “And the LORD GOD called unto Adam” (Genesis 3:9). Notice that God came to fallen man. This is God’s grace. He didn’t have to come to us, but He did. This is God’s love in demonstration right here, immediately after man’s fall. God always seeks man.

Jesus Christ knows Adam and Woman have fallen. He did not leave them, nor forsake them (Hebrews 13:5). Christ comes into the garden to save man. This is so wonderful. Remember, Jesus Christ is absolute righteousness and His righteousness is not in any way compatible with sin. Adam does not deserve to have Christ speak to him.

The first tree in the garden was forbidden; it would and did condemn man. But God reversed the situation of the garden. Now there is only one tree that can save man, and that tree is the cross – the new Tree of Life (1 Peter 2:24).

Now, let’s see what happens as Jesus begins His interrogation.

“Where are you?” (What He really said was, “Why are you where you are?”) “And Adam said, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself” (Genesis 3:10). Notice that Adam seems to be more concerned with the results of his sin than the sin itself.

“And He (God) said, Who told you that you were naked?” The answer is nobody! Adam knew because of “the knowledge of good and evil.”

“Have you eaten of the tree whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?” (Genesis 3:11). God turned Adam’s attention to the sin itself. Negative volition is the problem, not Adam’s nakedness or shame. God’s direct question cornered Adam. So, what did he do? He passed the buck. This is the sin nature in action. Passing the buck still goes on today. We’ve all done it at one time or the other.

“And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat” (Genesis 3:12). Notice how Adam blamed God and the woman. “You gave me the woman and she gave me the fruit.” He was even blaming the tree. How’s that for ingenuity? He was a very smart man.

God then turned to the woman, “And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that you have done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled (tricked) me, and I did eat” (Genesis 3:13). She, too, side-stepped and blamed the serpent. It is true the serpent deceived her, but she didn’t have to yield.

God stops questioning at this point because all the necessary facts are known to Him and to us. He has all the information He needs to sentence everyone involved. He begins with the serpent. The serpent was the agent of satan, so he too must be judged. The serpent of the garden was the most beautiful of the animals. Now he will be the lowest. He becomes the snake as we know it today, crawling on the ground.

“And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life” (Genesis 3:14).

Notice God did not ask the serpent, “What have you done?” Why not? Because omniscient God knew that satan was behind the whole thing.

God has always known that man would fall. He knew billions of years ago everything that would happen throughout human history. God’s questioning is for our benefit, so that we know what went down. Also, satan is not around at the moment, but the serpent is still with Woman.

Since the fall of man, the serpent has crawled on his belly. When the serpent strikes man, he strikes him in the lower extremities of the body. But, man can crush the head of the serpent. Keep this in mind as we look at the next verse so that you will have no trouble understanding God’s promise of salvation.

Notice too that the serpent is cursed before salvation is promised. Consider also that satan was judged before the plan of salvation was declared. This is because satan and his agent, the serpent, are excluded from the promise of salvation. Grace always precedes judgment. Therefore, after the sentencing of the serpent, and before Adam and his wife were sentenced, salvation was promised. This is the first Covenant that God made with man. It is the first promise of the Savior and the first Messianic title referring, of course, to Christ.

Verse 15: “And I will put enmity between you (satan) and the woman, and between your seed (satan’s) and her seed (the Lord Jesus Christ); He (Christ) shall bruise your head (satan’s head), and you shall bruise his heel” (satan bruising Christ; this refers to the cross). Reference also Romans 16:20; 1 Corinthians 15:25.

There are two distinct seeds here – satan’s seed and the woman’s. Man, for the moment, is out of the picture. The “seed of the woman” will be the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a reference to the virgin birth and emphasizes the necessity for Christ to become true humanity (Philippians 2:5-8). Every person who is born into this world by natural generation is born with a sin nature. In other words, we are born sinners. We are born spiritually dead. There are certain important points that you must master:

(1) The human spirit is life, the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63; 1 Corinthians 15:45: 1 Peter 1:18);

(2) The body without the spirit is spiritual death (James 2:26; Romans 8:3,10-13);

(3) The soul without the spirit is doomed, these are the reasons you must be born again – the new birth is spiritual birth (John 3:5&7);

(4) The new birth saves the soul and the body. Satan’s “seed” is all the fallen angels and all unregenerate homo-sapiens from Adam to this very day, and until the last human being is born at the end of time. Satan is the first sinner and the father of sin (John 8:44).

Because Woman was deceived by Satan, and Adam deliberately disobeyed the LORD God (1 Timothy 2:13,14), two extremely important factors resulted when the LORD God sentenced Adam and his wife:

(1) The Woman was to be the means of the Savior’s coming into the world – the virgin birth. Woman did not sin deliberately, she was deceived. Therefore, the human nature is not passed on via natural birth  through the female.

(2) The sin nature would pass down through the male of the species, not the female, because Adam deliberately sinned. In this way the virgin birth was necessitated and designated by God as the means of providing the Savior. In other words, there would be no imputed sin (sin nature) in the physical, human body of Christ. Christ as true humanity would not have imputed sin because He would not have a human father. This is a strategic point that we must understand (Psalm 51:5; Isaiah 7:14).

Verse 15: “He shall bruise your head” (this refers to Christ at the Second Advent when satan is permanently cast out of Heaven; you kill a snake by crushing its head. “… and you (Satan) shall bruise His heel.” This is satan striking at the humanity of Christ, referring, of course, to the cross when the sins of the entire human race, past, present, and future, were poured out on Christ as He hung on the cross. The cross, at this point, is in the future, but the LORD God declared the promise of redemption for the human race before He pronounced man’s sentencing.

God said in effect, “In spite of man’s sin against me, I love man and I shall demonstrate my love by letting hopeless man see that I have not forsaken him. I will not turn my back and leave man lost. I will send my Son into the world that the world through Him might be saved.” This is God’s Grace (Ephesians 2:8&9; Romans 5:1; 6:23; 8:21; Romans 11:6&33; 2 Timothy 2:9; Hebrews 2:14-17; 1 Peter 2:24; 3:18; 1 John 4:9,10&14; 2 Timothy 1:9&10; Romans 8:11; Romans the entire fifth chapter).

Verse 16: “Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow, your conception (in your conception” is a better translation); in sorrow you shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” One of the most painful things in this life is giving birth. “In sorrow” is literally “in pain.”

Now, we read the one thing that really gets the women’s movement, “and your desire shall be to your husband and he shall rule over you.” In other words, “the woman will have an insatiable desire for her right man (the man the Lord has designated for her). Most women do not like this. But the women that wait for their right man, designed by God, find their femininity and also find what a wonderful thing it is to be a woman, married to her right man.

Women who marry the wrong man become frustrated. The result is the women’s movement of our day. There is, of course, a point of doctrine here: When humanity gets out of line with divine providence, there is hell to pay.

Today, all over the world young women face life on their own for the first time. They step into marriage without the teaching of God’s principles, and into life without the proper training in God’s Word. The result is obvious; it is all around us; divorces are at their highest level in human history. Divorce can, and does in many cases, destroy families and lives.

The gay movement is another testimony of what happens when a maximum number of people marry the wrong person – when a maximum number of people turn their backs on God and His Word. Life becomes seemingly meaningless and hopeless to more and more people because they have no concept of right and wrong – no character, and without natural affection (2 Timothy 3:3). Turn to 2 Timothy chapter 3 and read the entire chapter. The problems in the world today were front page prophesy nearly 2000 years ago. You’ll also notice that the answers to man problems are discussed right along with the problems.

God gave the woman a fitting sentence for her disobedience because most women do not like to be dominated by a man. The woman is often smarter than the man, but she still desires him. The women’s movement cannot change that. It can however, destroy the divine institution of family, along with the help of the gay rights movement. To destroy the family is to destroy the nation. Both of these movements are satanic in their very nature.

America and the world are facing a formidable challenge. That challenge is the destruction of national entities and the world as we know it if these movements are allowed to continue to fester in society. Man must turn back to God and His Word. In other words, if man doesn’t adjust to God, God will adjust man. Truly we live in the last days.

Genesis 3:17-19: “And unto Adam He said, Because you have paid attention to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat food from it all the days of your life; Thorns and also thistles (weeds) shall it bring forth to you; and you shall eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, until you return unto the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are, and unto dust shall you return.”

Adam listened to his wife, obeying her instead of obeying God. This was a deliberate decision on his part. It is one thing to listen then make the proper decision, and it is quite another to listen and deliberately make the wrong decision. So, man must now work in pain from his labor. The LORD God, Jesus Christ, had provided everything for Adam and his wife up to this point. However, man would now have to struggle and work for his keep.

As punishment, creation would resist man, and give him a hard time – thistles (weeds), drought, etc. Adam (all humanity), lost his dominion over creation. Creation shares in the results of man’s fall. Creation yearns for redemption, as expressed in Romans 8:19-25, which says that creation longs for God’s sons to be made known. The passage describes nature as groaning in labor pains, awaiting freedom from decay and corruption, and hoping to enter the freedom of God’s children (Romans 8:19).

It was also at this point that man lost dominion over the animals; no longer would we live in peace and harmony with all of the animal kingdom as we once did. Animals from this point on became ferocious and carnivorous, frightful of man. Man works and often kills to control animals. Demon possession of animals ensued (Mark 5:13; Revelation 16:13). The first possession of animals, of course, has already been discussed in our context with satan possessing the serpent (this indicates the free-will of animals as well, because the serpent paid a price for its part in allowing the possession in the first place). Unbelievers are subject to demon possession also, from this point forward.

Physical death is the direct result of spiritual death. Here in Genesis 3, verse 19, God announces that man has begun dying (aging is slowly dying). Adam lived to be 930 years old before he died physically (Genesis 5:5).

Adam’s long life can be attributed to two things: (1) God created a perfect, and therefore very strong, body for Adam, without sin. (2) Adam was to populate the earth.

As human population expanded, sin multiplied right along with it. Therefore, man’s original prowess is nowhere close to being as it was when originally created. So much for evolution.

The body remains alive so long as the soul exists in it. In the case of the believer, when the soul and spirit leave the body, the body dies and returns to the chemicals of the soil from which it came; upon the exit of the soul and spirit, the body enters into a state of corruption and decay.

Physical death is the result of spiritual death, but spiritual life is now made possible again by the promise of the savior as we just studied. Every human being who ever lived has the same opportunity as Adam. Adam chose to take of the tree, and he died. Man can now take of the tree of life and live.

Satan caused man to fall and holds the “keys to death” (Hebrews 2:14). Christ holds the keys to life by His death. He defeated death by His resurrection (John 11:25; Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:4,20-22). Physical death should no longer cause fear in the knowledgeable believer, for it is a blessing (2 Corinthians 5:8).

Volition, your personal choice for or against something, is still the issue. God provided another tree and His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Christ’s finished work on the tree (cross) shall have everlasting life (John 3:16-21). God removed the Tree of Life from the Garden and gave it back at the cross. All we have to do is take of the tree – believe and receive (John 1:12).

In 2 Corinthians 1:3 & 11:12, the Holy Spirit tells us that God’s plan of grace through faith is simple. This is because God has done all the work through His Son, Christ Jesus the Lord, on the cross.

I have, over the years, heard people say, “If I were Adam I wouldn’t have disobeyed God by eating of the tree, then we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Should you ever hear anyone make this statement, ask them if they have received Jesus Christ as Savior. If they say no, then show them they have already made the same decision as Adam (disobeying God). How? By not believing. Then, lead them to Christ.

One question has been asked many times throughout history by thinking believers, and that is, “Did Adam and Eve get saved?” The answer is found in the question. Adam made declaration of his faith in the promised Savior by naming his wife “Eve.”

“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). The Hebrew word for Eve is Chavah, which means living. They were both dead, spiritually, from their disobedience. Now, Adam, by witness of the Holy Spirit, proclaims their salvation. So, henceforth, whenever you hear Eve mentioned, you will recall that this is Adam’s proclamation to the human race that they are both saved. Just think, when we get to Heaven we will get to meet Adam and Eve, face to face. Is that neat, or what? So many wonderful things await the believer in eternity.

“For Adam also and for his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). Earlier in our study we were interested to see if God would accept Adam’s “fig leaves” of legalism or good deeds. We just read the answer – an emphatic NO.

Man’s work in his own behalf is totally unacceptable to God. Man is at enmity with God by virtue of his fallen state (the sin nature) therefore, “all of our good works are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Man’s attempt to make himself a covering of righteousness was rejected by Jesus Christ in the garden, and while hanging on the cross. Man’s righteousness will also be rejected at the Great White Throne Judgement.

Genesis 3:21 is proof positive that Jesus Christ does all the work for man’s salvation. It is also the other way in which God reveals Adam and Eve’s salvation – they are now covered by the righteousness of Christ, the “coats of skins.”

Jesus Christ covered Adam and Eve with the clothes of His righteousness the moment they believed God’s promise of the Savior in verse 15 of our context. Believers are “covered by His shed Blood” on the cross. So, the “coats of skins” is analogous to the “blood of Christ.” You will also notice that the coats of skins were provided after Adam’s proclamation of salvation in verse 20. They have accepted Christ as Savior and now Christ covers them with the only clothing God will ever accept. Jesus Christ took Adam and Eve into His big arms and covered them with His love and His righteousness. He has been doing this ever since, every time another person believes in Him. The reality of His big wonderful arms is awaiting every believer when Christ calls us home.

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of Us, to know good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever; therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from where he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way of the tree of life” (Genesis 3:22-24).

Man is now in his fallen state. If he should take of the Tree of Life now, he would perpetuate his fallen condition forever and there would be no way for God to save man. Man would be eternally lost in sin! So again, God demonstrates His perfect love for man by removing the Tree of Life until the savior makes it available at the cross on the Tree of Death. The tree of death must first be accomplished, then man can freely eat of the tree of life through faith. Furthermore, to be immortal in a state of sin with a sin nature would mean eternal damnation and suffering. Sin could become eternal if man were to have eaten from it. Sin is not eternal and never will be, thanks to Omniscient God. Sin will eventually be removed by the Great White Throne Judgement (Revelation 20:13&14). After this Last Judgement, God will destroy the present universe wherein sin once abounded, and He will create a new universe, void of sin forever and ever (Revelation Chapter 21).

Man’s expulsion from the Garden protected man from eternal sin and made the cross the issue for all mankind. God turned His cursing (expulsion from the garden) into blessing by the promise and delivery of the life-giving tree – the tree of Calvary. Salvation must precede perfect environment. And the perfect environment of eternity awaits all those who eat of the Tree of the Cross.

Disobedience brought death; obedience brings forth life through Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me(John 14:6).

“But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that by believing you might have life through His Name” (John 20:31).

Your human sin nature is the reason you are condemned. You can’t do anything about your sin nature. But God can and did, over two thousand years ago. Your volition (choice), not your deeds, determines your eternal destination. The door to God stands wide open. All you have to do is step through it (John 6:37) by faith, by belief.

Following are some interesting parallels between the fall of satan and the fall of Man:

  • Satan was created and served in Eden the Garden of God. Man was created and served in the Garden of Eden.
  • Negative thinking turned to negative volition in both satan and the woman.
  • Satan, the woman, and Adam (man) chose to act independently of God.
  • Man was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Satan was cast out of Eden, the Garden of God.
  • One third of the angels chose to believe and follow satan. One third of the human race will choose to believe in Christ. Satan, all fallen angels, and all unbelievers will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire.

God will deal with sin, His way – His perfect way. Jesus Christ is God’s way, God’s truth, and God’s life. Choose ye this day whom ye will follow! “Today is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

“For He (the Father) has made Him (the Son), who knew no sin, to be sin for us, (the reason) that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (Christ)  (2 Corinthians 5:21).

You can continue to be condemned under the sin nature, or you can receive God’s new nature in Christ Jesus, simply by believing in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14-20; Romans 8:1; John 3:18).

Thank you, Father, for your plan of salvation, for your son Jesus Christ who executed your plan, and for the Holy Spirit who reveals your plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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