Our Citizenship In Heaven

Our citizenship in God’s glorious kingdom is not determined by external acts of dos and don’ts; it is not what we eat or drink. We are a spiritual kingdom of believer-priests living in satan’s kingdom. Our righteousness is an ever-present possession because Christ indwells us. It is His righteousness imputed to us because of the cross where the Father was propitiated (satisfied) by Christ’s substitutionary death on our behalf.

The Holy Spirit in us produces an infinite longing to grow in knowledge, and an ardent desire to know the Trinity better, deeper – a craving for truth in our soul. Our Lord promised that our longing for His righteousness would be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). I’m not talking about peace with God – that’s what the unbeliever needs – I’m talking about the peace of God in us: the indwelling Holy Spirit fellowship (Matthew 11:28,29).

We must learn to live in God’s peace, which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). We must learn Christ. We must apply faith in action to the details of life. We must exercise our priesthood in expressing our belief before men.

Happy Studying!



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