Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Thirty-Five)



When there is no concept of personal responsibility, there is no reason to seek the Lord, no reason for transformation.

As a nation, our blindness to the truth will cause our destruction.

We must understand that our human nature is the problem. We all must contend. We must receive Christ to redeem ourselves and our nature – we must be born again.

The restraint of the Holy Spirit in the conscious lives of humanity prevents the sword of destruction, but the Holy Spirit is pulling away the restraint, and we are rapidly self-destructing. Believe and receive (John 1:12; Acts 16:31).

The world hates Christ. The world shows no respect for Christ.

The Christian life is lived and fought on unseen spiritual battlefields. Many of us are casualties – wounded warriors. But, believer, you have the armor of God (His Word). Learn it, use it, stand firm with gentleness, but be firm, for the God of Grace has called you to battle and to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus.

We have the truth of God’s Word and the untruth of religion – the contrast of Divine good vs. human good (our worthless merit).

The Son of Man is crucified by the sons of man. We are all equally guilty as humans because we all have the same sin nature.

Each maturing believer has the potential to eventually recognize, from the doctrines of the Bible, a personal sense of destiny. Keep on keeping on in your study of God’s Word and apply what you learn to the details of life, every day. Live in your destiny! Stay occupied with Christ.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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