Christian Objective

The Christian objective is to be conformed to the “Image of Christ” (Romans 8:29) “by the renewing of our minds.” We must continually renew our minds with the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Our objective is to be “imitators” of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 5:1). We are to become a spiritually mature believer, at which point we have become fully “occupied with Christ” on a consistent basis.

Bible Doctrine, through the filling of the Spirit, erects a structure, a building, a house in the soul (Proverbs 24:3,4). In Ephesians 3:17, we have the terms: “rooted and grounded.” In Colossians 2:7, we have the terms: “rooted and built up.” “Built up” is the verb epoikodomeo. Also, the word oikodomia in the Greek means “to build up,” both are definitive as to build on a foundation. The foundation for this structure is Bible doctrine resident in the soul; and every believer is “a stone in the foundation.” The believer is a rock in the foundation.

The Holy Spirit is constructing a firm foundation whose Cornerstone is Christ in each of our souls. Notice God does the construction through His Word. The erection of this edification structure takes time, it is not a spring event. It takes perhaps many years to build, depending on our obedience to His Word, our study habits and the “filling” of the Holy Spirit. 

The world reads the believer like a book; our actions and attitude are read by others, therefore, they should see Christ in all we do. We are “Living Epistles” (2 Corinthians 3:3). When the world reads us, our testimony should reflect Christ.    

The following ten steps illustrate mechanics (the how-to’s) of the journey, the ‘rising’ to the Christian objective. The ultimate goal in every believer’s life should be to become like Christ – conformed to His image – transformed by Bible doctrine that is stockpiled and dwelling within the soul – thinking like Christ – thinking Christ.

  1. The Filling of the Holy Spirit – the believer’s “power source,” experiencing fellowship with the Trinity, and learning to “Walk with God in fields of grace.”
  2. Teachability: Humility; submission to pastor/teacher; learning God’s Word; respect for authority. We must have a humble, teachable spirit.
  3. Spiritual Momentum: our mental and intellectual alignment with God’s grace; our mental and intellectual alignment with the perception and application of Bible doctrine to the details of our daily lives.
  4. Basic Christian Life: Discipline; Learning to serve the Lord and serve others; Prayer (talking with God); Meditation (listening to God and dwelling upon Him and the things we’ve learned about Him).
  5. Spiritual Self-Esteem: The genuine instant gratification of allowing the Holy Spirit to execute the things listed under Step 4, above.
  6. Spiritual Autonomy: A relaxed mental attitude, or resting in your faith and the faithfulness of God.
  7. Momentum Testing: A ‘test’ of sorts to see what kind of spiritual momentum you have gained in your walk with Christ; the ability to face the tragedies, afflictions, adversities, and sufferings of life as a believer living in the devil’s world; the acceleration of spiritual growth to maturity.
  8. Motivational Virtue: Personal love of God, and for family, friends; an impersonal love for lost mankind.
  9. Personal Sense of Destiny: Inspired by the Holy Spirit; the knowledge of ultimate sanctification. Calling to mind, each day, that we will spend eternity with the Lord. That… is our ultimate destiny. Take comfort in it. Look forward to it. Rest in the fact that you are a member of the Royal Family of God.
  10. Spiritual Maturity: Occupation with Christ; consistently executing the Personal, Predesigned Plan of God (PPPG).

The believer’s ultimate objective therefore is to glorify God by means of the Holy Spirit controlling and directing the life of the believer. Be sure to see the additional related details concerning the Filling of the Holy Spirit, and Spiritual Maturity.

We believers are to live God’s grace plan by means of the Holy Spirit. His plan is happening right before our very eyes. We are literally eye witnesses to God’s actions in all circumstances of our lives. This is called “proving our faith” by this writer. God literally proves our faith by our experiences in the details of life. From these circumstances the believer recognizes and appreciates the Grace Plan of God and the power of His Glory.

With recognition comes appreciation, and with appreciation comes thanksgiving. This is what Paul is expressing in Ephesians 5:20 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18. We actually learn as alert, mature believers how to really appreciate God and fully appreciate His plan for our lives, and therefore we should applaud our God in suffering and blessing. When you can truthfully applaud God no matter what the circumstance, you are learning how to function as a mature believer, both in Christ and from the spiritual edification built up in your soul.

“There is no higher calling than being personally occupied with the person of Christ. So, why don’t we hear more of this from the pulpit?” – C. S. Craig 

This study is based on Galatians 3:26; 2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 3:13, 18-21; 4:11-16,29; 1 Corinthians 2:4-7,10,12; 3:12-14; 1 Corinthians 8:1. The inculcation (to become filled or saturated with a certain quality or principle) of God’s Word into our spirit, gives light – illumination (Psalm 119:130).

Bible Doctrine in our soul becomes the reflected glory of God to the world.

Christ is in every believer, positionally (John 14:20), but He must also be formed in us experientially, through the application of God’s Word. The believer must daily inhale God’s Word and exhale to a world living in darkness without Christ.

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.



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