Be filled (filling) with the Holy Spirit is commanded of every believer for empowerment (Ephesians 5:18). The filling of the Holy Spirit is quenched (1 Thessalonians 5:19) or grieved (Ephesians 4:30) when the believer sins. The believer is filled again to capacity by naming his/her personal sins to the LORD (1 John 1:9). Do not confuse the temporary “filling” of the Holy Spirit with the permanent “indwelling” of the Holy Spirit.
Further clarification: The filling of the Holy Spirit produces spirituality (Ephesians 5:18) and is therefore, the power source of God for believers. The Holy Spirit uses Bible Doctrine metabolized in the soul to convict, motivate, and direct our thoughts and actions. But we must attempt to remain in fellowship by consistently naming (and removing from our lives) perpetual sin.
The spiritual battleground of the believer is in the soul. This spiritual warfare is constant for control of the soul. The believer’s worst enemy is his fleshly self (the sin nature). Therefore, the filling of the Holy Spirit is imperative to victory in the Christian life.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The filling of the Holy Spirit in the believer comes through confession (naming or agreeing with God, recognizing your sin issues) of sin. The Holy Spirit’s indwelling of the believer occurs instantly upon faith in Christ and is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which places the believer in union with the LORD. The Holy Spirit is permanent and never leaves the believer.
Does the believer glorify Christ? If your answer is yes, your answer should be: The Holy Spirit glorifies God (John 16:7b). The mentoring and power of the Holy Spirit in the believer when filled (in fellowship) is how Christ is glorified. Christ, Himself stated this in John16:14 (Reference John 7:9).
Jesus Christ, by the mentoring of the Holy Spirit, IS BEING FORMED IN YOU (Galatians 4:19). In the filling of the Spirit, Christ shines in you (fellowship). When Christ shines in you, He shines out from you for the world to see a difference in you.
Be sure to see: FIVE MINISTRIES of THE HOLY SPIRIT, under this Link: “Terms & Definitions.“