Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Sixteen)



We must be taught to do good, taught not to do wrong. We lust (i.e. a need for attention and praise, etc.). We need to unlearn the self and learn God.

If the truth hurts, suffer for a while.

Life is a checkout line… and no one wants to go first.

Live in truth; live diligently.

He who knew no sin became human to pay our sin debt, that we may have His righteousness and live with Him and Our Heavenly Father forever. Amen.

The Bible is relative to every generation because human nature is the same in every generation.

The Gospel of John records this hyperbolic comment in Chapter 21:25: “And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.” But of all the information we have on the life of the greatest human who ever lived, we know very little, not even much about what He looked like. We do know what He came to do and we know He completed His mission perfectly.

Someone once responded to an unbeliever: “Sit down and tell me about the kind of “god” you do not believe in. I probably don’t believe in that “god” either.”

To me, people do not reject God as much as what they know about God – God has been distorted all through history because people do not give credence to the Scriptures which proclaim Him. What a shame.

Mankind obscures the true image of God as perfectly represented by Christ. Too much “greed for gold” and “prosperity gospel” has covered the true figure of God.

Mankind should not have to sift his way through all the denominations to find Jesus because the church is supposed to be the light that reveals Christ. Jesus is who you want your God to be! A properly functioning church, undivided, would look like Christ.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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