Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Seventeen)



Believers must be a force for good against evil. We must look beyond ourselves to those still longing for God. Where are you looking? Look into God, then look at the longing faces all around. They are everywhere. Christ gave His life so we could live to share the good news of reconciliation, forgiveness, and peace with God.

Written January 31, 2017

Walk with God more rightly stated would be let God walk with you.

Job 33:4: “… God has created (a human being) and the breath (soul-life) of the Almighty gives me (human, physical) life.”

This statement from Job is after the fall of Adam and Eve (mankind in the garden). It states the principle of the origin of human life, which is God. Only God gives life of any kind.

Mankind is distinguished from any other creature by his/her yearning for the divine. It is not the very fact that we want autonomy, that we claim self-hood? Do we not defy authority? Is this not the reason we desire/demand freedom?

Is it not the internal dialogue of the self that debates with itself about right and wrong? Is it not the inherent knowledge of good and evil that we debate?

Good and evil are two separate knowledges and the self must always choose between the two. The self is a mystery in itself, is it not? The labyrinths of the self are mysterious. The self is centered on its own ends.

Oh but to know the ages of eternity – even more to know personally the God of the ages eternal.

God had to become one of us and die for us to save us. That is such an awesome sacrifice. Only God could or would do it, so how about a little respect.

God the Father is Truth.

God the Son is the Word of Truth.

God the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.

Everyone is somewhere between good and evil, and that is a weird place to be.

The sin nature is observed in little children. Notice that children must be taught good – the bad they know already. Sharing is not natural, but selfishness is. We all have the ability to do good and evil.

Your personal integrity as a Christian enables you to treat all people the same because it is your own virtue, not the other person, that dictates how you react in any situation with believers and unbelievers.

From God’s Word we have His divine viewpoint. In the Old Testament some seers were transported to heaven as were John and Paul in the New Testament. It is from that celestial region that they viewed the future march of events on earth from divine perspective.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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