Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Eighteen)



The church in America today needs more than revival, it needs Bible and re-Bible – meat, not milk.

The regrets of the future are avoidable today. We can, right now, change our future to one of no regrets.

The void in our souls is God-shaped. Everyone has eternity in their heart, put there by God.

As believer-priests, we represent God to others, and others to God. We are to conduct ourselves as God’s people, lighting the way to God. We are to help others find the Cross of Christ and kneel with them to receive Christ as personal Savior.

If it were possible to remove suffering, aging, aggression, and punishment from life, people would have no need for God.

Written October 7, 2014

Christ is the Messiah-Savior, the fullness of God who fills everything in every way (Philippians 2:9-11; Matthew 24:30; Ephesians 1:22-23).

Hell – for fallen, unregenerate mankind. Perhaps the existence of hell is to separate unbelievers from God. It is prepared for mankind, it is eternal separation from God, it is God separating Himself from those who, in their lifetime, chose to separate from God. It is God honoring their choice, now and forever.

Lake of Fire – for satan and fallen angels. Prepared for the devil and fallen angels.

The first creation of angel and man eventually rejected God. Both creatures thought independently of God. Both of God’s created worlds were given volition (personal choice), the freedom to choose self or God. Both chose self.

So, what is your choice? Nothing has changed since the fall of man. Everything in life has its rewards, its price, its required payment.

Written March 11, 2020

The Bible is more than a book that helps us in search of truth, it is the truth in search of us – the Bible is God’s. The Bible is not just a search for truth, it is much more. It is the search in truth.

Written March 2, 2020


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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