Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lordd (Part Fifteen)



I find it interesting that religious leaders, from the Pope on down in the chain of command, will not stand up to the untruths of their religion because these rituals without reality flatter their ego and ambitions.

Forms of religious rituals do not save, nor keep saved, nor do they change (or pay the price for) our sinful character.

Having the knowledge of Scripture does not give you eternal life. Nor does “believing in God.” Satan “believes in God” and trembles, and he’s still going to hell. We are told to “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” to be saved. There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.

If suffering has no value, then Christ died in vain. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, then His suffering was in vain.

Because of good and evil, we will struggle, we will suffer and be afflicted.

I am a seed-planter. What is God doing through me?

I am a beggar who found the bread of life. Now, I show other beggars the bread of life. It is up to them to take it.

We neither impress God nor depress God. God is always the same – immutable (never changing).

God’s revelations to us are primarily through the Scriptures, and the Son by the Holy Spirit.

As we grow in grace, we outgrow this world.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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