Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Forty)



The people stand for truth or untruth, therefore, know truth. His name is Jesus the Christ – Yeshua.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, where He is first in the lives of its people.

The heart of man is capable of all things, deceitfully wicked in arrogance.

I am persuaded by past and current events that my future events are limited.

Shake the dust of the past off your feet and understand that God works everything together for our own good.

Forgiveness starts with self, then others. Forgive yourself. God has forgiven you. Now, follow His examples in your relationships. Go, make things right. Shake off the dust of emotions that control your soul; shake off the hurt, the fear, and the failures. Now, walk-on into your permanent, perpetual future with your Lord. Your future is now, perpetually.

The physical cross-death proved Christ was human. His resurrection is proof He is God. Inhale your eternal future with Christ, exhale your past without Him. You are cleansed, washed in His blood, forgiven.

You cannot change the past, but you can change your future starting right now. Then, tomorrow, your past will have changed… and your future.

Walk in truth through fields of grace. Abide in the Word. Be anchored in Scripture.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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