In 2 Timothy 4:7,8, Paul makes several fantastic statements regarding his course (God’s plan for his life), both now and forever.
Our course as believers (God’s plan for our life) is to follow Jesus through obedience to Bible doctrine, and by following His mandate for us to grow spiritually under the teaching ministry of the local church. Paul set the standard and gave us the example to follow. Christ, during His incarnation, gave us the example. The same divine power source which sustained Christ and Paul is available to every born again believer. That power source is the indwelling Holy Spirit, who not only offers comfort, but guidance (direction) and power to overcome every obstacle. God is in us, and He will walk every walk and fight every fight, if we will stay in Bible Doctrine.
Now, lets examine 2 Timothy 4:7&8, where Paul exclaimed: “I have fought a good fight, (honoring Christ) I have finished my course (advanced to spiritual maturity, fulfilling God’s Plan) I have kept the faith (learned and lived the Word and taught others); Henceforth (hereafter in eternity) there is laid up (reserved) for me a crown of righteousness (a wreath), which the Lord, the Righteous Judge will award to me on that day (place on his head at the Judgment Seat of Christ) and not to me only, but to all them (mature believers) also that love his appearing (at the Rapture).”
The great Apostle Paul learned that the power of God is His Word in us and the control of the Holy Spirit. Paul chose (volition) to do God’s will, following God’s Plan to the end of his life. We are to be diligent in our pursuit to the high ground of maturity in Christ. Each of us, like Paul, must choose the cross for salvation and Bible doctrine for life.
Our choices in life determine God’s actions towards us. We can receive God’s discipline or blessing. Our attitude toward Christ and God’s Word determine our future, both now and in eternity. Our ability to make the right choices in life is based on our knowledge of Bible Doctrine metabolized in our soul. Therefore, the teaching of God’s Word (in an academic setting in the church – that’s teaching, not just preaching) is an absolute imperative (2 Timothy 3:14-17; 4:2) and a command to us, as believers, from our Lord God.
God’s Word is all living, all powerful, sharp and piercing. It pierces deep into the heart of man and convicts where he lives in his soul. God’s plan for each of us is perfect. We must learn the mechanics of the Christian life in order to advance in the Christian life. Bible Doctrine and the filling of the Spirit are the imperatives that fulfill God’s Plan. We must daily choose (volition) to learn God’s Word.
The pastor-teacher in every local church should be grounded in the Word; filled with the Spirit; and he must study, study, study. Twenty to forty hours per week must be spent under the teaching power of the Holy Spirit, learning God‘s Word and preparing instruction, not a “preaching-message.” Demanding? Yes! Very!
Do pastor’s study forty hours per week? No. Not even close. The result is our churches are filled with immature pastors leading flocks of babes in Christ, thus disregarding our Lord’s command to learn and grow in Christ. There are only a handful of churches that have congregations moving toward maturity; it would be wise for you to find one, dear believer.
Bible Doctrine produces godly character. It produces love for God and a desire for God’s Word – an unquenchable thirst. Bible Doctrine stabilizes our thinking (Having trouble with depression, anxiety, worry, fear, or other instabilities? Learning and applying doctrine is the answer.) As a result, our lives become stable. Bible Doctrine motivates us and gives us unsurpassed happiness in time. The world and all it has to offer cannot compare. Bible Doctrine gives us the strength to fight the good fight by keeping Bible Doctrine in our souls so we can fight against ourselves, the world, and satanic forces (principalities).
God’s plan for every believer offers the opportunity to advance to maturity. All God asks us to do is exercise “positive volition” toward the daily study of God’s Word, then apply it in every situation and decision we will face in life. To do this, we need Bible Doctrine resident in our soul. Study, study, study.
God does all the work for our salvation and He does all the work of forgiveness. God also does all the work in our Christian life. We must be submissive (humble) to God (volition) and God does the rest. He directs our paths of righteousness and He leads us through every situation in life (if we will let Him) guarding us against the enemy. Volition is the key that unlocks the power of God.
Thank you, Father, for your Son, your Word, and your Holy Spirit. Thank you for allowing us the freedom to choose (volition). Thank you for the power source of Bible doctrine and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Understanding your plan and your divine resources, we are now fully equipped to climb to the mountaintop of life in Christ. It is our choice. Amen.
Happy Studying!
You may wish to reference our study Volitional And Spiritual Maturity.