Volitional and Spiritual Maturity

There are three phases of God’s plan (previously studied): Phase 1 – Salvation (also previously studied); Phase 2 – The Believer in Time; Phase 3 – Eternity.

Volitional maturity relates to the believer in time.

Volition simply stated is: Self-determination – the freedom to choose (in this case, positively or negatively). Maturity, on the other hand, is the inculcation of Bible doctrine and the filling of the Spirit over a period of time, with the result that an edification structure is erected in our soul. The awesomeness of this cannot be overstated, nor can the usefulness of its applications to the details of life.

The Apostle Paul speaks of his own volitional maturity, his advancement in spiritual growth, and his rewards in time and eternity:

2 Timothy 4:7&8, by exegesis, Paul says: “I have fought a good (honorable) fight (advanced through the stages of spiritual growth), I have finished my course (attained spiritual maturity), I have kept the faith (guarded doctrine as first priority in my soul); Henceforth (eternity future) there is laid up (reserved) for me a crown of righteousness (a wreath around his head) which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will reward me on that day (at the Judgement Seat of Christ) and not to me only, but unto all them (mature believers – you on positive volition) that love His appearing (at the Rapture).”

James also speaks of maturity through testing, and of the resulting rewards in eternity. James 1:12, by exegesis, Blessed (happy) is the man that endures temptation (perseveres under testing and successfully passes the tests that accelerate spiritual growth); for when he is tried, he shall (eternity future) receive the crown (wreath) of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him (continuously love Him, which is the mature believer occupied continually with Christ through the intake of Bible doctrine).”

Both James and Paul express the same thing – the absolute importance of Bible doctrine constantly inhaled into our souls and exhaled through testing by application. This is the only way for any believer to advance to spiritual maturity. As a result of the inhale/exhale of doctrine, Christ is glorified and the maturing believer receives blessings both in time and (“laid up”) in eternity.

From these verses we also learn that Bible doctrine combined with the controlling ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit (in fellowship – perpetual sin(s), if any, confessed) produces:

  • Strength of character
  • Love for God
  • Desire for God’s Truth – His divine viewpoint
  • Stability (in all aspects of mind and life)
  • Perseverance
  • Motivation
  • Real and lasting happiness in time
  • Momentum to spiritual maturity, which is our mandate from the Lord Himself.

These are qualities of the inner-man, produced by God through the daily intake of Bible doctrine and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

These divinely-produced qualities result not only in spiritual maturity, but in happiness and blessings from God in time (Phase 2) and in Phase 3 (eternity). It is not what we do, it is what God is able to do through us. God functions through us to maximum effectiveness when we are filled with the Spirit.

His functioning in us and through us is not necessarily something we feel, it is something we begin to realize and appreciate as we grow in the knowledge and wisdom of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, through Bible doctrine.

The Apostle Paul was persecuting Christians when Jesus Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Paul received Christ as Savior and as he grew in the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord and Savior, he matured quite rapidly. The Apostle Paul went on to become the greatest Christian who ever lived.

Our mandate to grow to spiritual maturity should be every Christian’s number one goal in life. And if it isn’t your personal priority, then ask yourself “Why isn’t it?” What worthless, worldly thing(s) take priority in your life?

God matures us through His Word (communicated by pastor-teachers) if we maintain positive volition. We must have positive volition all the days of our lives.

Positive Volition All The Days Of Our Lives

After years of study, after I had finally submitted to God (my own positive volition toward doctrine) to teach His Word, His Holy Spirit really began to teach me. I had stopped running and making excuses (my own negative volition) and everything changed. The same can be true for you, once you are positive toward serious study of His Word.

Once I stopped running from Him, the eyes of my understanding of His Word were opened like never before (yours will be, too). Right as I am attempting to communicate a particular point of doctrine, the Lord urges me in no uncertain terms (through thoughts and messages, knowledge and wisdom), to make certain things known to you. The title just above these paragraphs is what the Holy Spirit urged me to write. Then He urged me to give this introductory paragraph that you are reading.

Right now, as I write this study, this is what he spoke and is speaking (figuratively): “Volition – your own daily, personal decision to study and apply God’s Word – is the key in life.”

Positive volition unlocks the doors of knowledge. All knowledge of God comes from God. We need only make the right decision

  • toward God
  • toward His Son – the Living Word
  • toward Bible doctrine – His written Word
  • and toward the Holy Spirit – the Revealer of God’s Word, which itself is divine viewpoint.

Always remember that positive volition is

  • the action of faith
  • the key that unlocks the door to God
  • the key that unlocks the door to understanding and learning
  • the key that unlocks the door to knowledge
  • the key that unlocks the door to life
  • the key that unlocks the door to salvation
  • the expression of faith and faithfulness

Both volition and faith are non-meritorious thinking. Both volition and faith are positive responses toward God. God may freely reveal himself to us because of Jesus Christ, and He does so through his Word.

At the point of salvation, God gives a gift to those He has chosen to become teachers of the Word. God the Holy Spirit then teaches the teacher through his written Word. As the teacher communicates doctrine, the positive believer responds and learns God’s Word. Positive volition therefore is the key to receiving God’s grace. Positive volition therefore is the key to life – Faith turns the key.

Christ is the door between God and man. Will you enter and meet God? Is your volition positive or negative?

When you meet Christ, you receive Him by an act of faith – positive volition (John 1:12). From the point of your Salvation (spiritual re-birth – John 3:7) you are a new creature, a new species, in Christ Jesus (Galatians 6:15).

Thereafter, your positive volition keeps you in fellowship and habitually on Bible doctrine. The daily habit of submitting to God’s will for you (in studying and applying the Word) is what garners positive results in all aspects of life. (Why go even a day without study? There’s nothing better in this life.) Maintain this status and you can grow up (mature) spiritually. The “key” to maturity in the Christian life is staying positive toward God and His Word. Choose God because He chose you. Choose His Word – He is waiting there for you.

With positive volition, everything in life that God offers the believer is possible.

Remember, you are what you think. Think with positive volition all the days of your life and God will bless you beyond description. If you will observe and keep this bit of God’s wisdom, you can advance further than 98% of all Christians who ever lived. Positive volition is the key of knowledge. Use it wisely. Stay on doctrine. Stay in fellowship. God will do the rest. He gives, you receive.

My life had been unstable because I had been running from God, running from my gift from God of teacher-communicator of His Word, with the result that I could never find peace in my soul. I had not been submissive to God’s plan for my life. His plan is quite obvious now that I have stopped running and started teaching.

I have countless thousands of hours of academic training in the Word of God, but I was inconsistent in my studies because I was constantly struggling, wrestling if you will, with the ever persistent Holy Spirit. But God is patient. He never gave up on me. He knew billions of years ago in eternity past that I would be a fast and evasive runner. Be He also knew that I could not outrun Him. God is so wonderful and patient and kind and gentle and persistent in His treatment of us. He is a wonderful and perfect Father, even to this, His disobedient son. I’m so glad God is who He is!

In the past, I had lived my life in and out of God’s plan. I always had so many excuses why I couldn’t teach His Word – I wasn’t worthy; I sinned too much; I wasn’t consistent enough in my work; I never found a job or position I could stay happy with very long; I didn’t have people to teach; how could I teach anybody anything if my own life and house was not in order; I had too many bad habits – you name it, I had it for an excuse. I was trying to be perfect first, then I could be worthy to teach and God would open a door of teaching for me and everything would be all right. I kept thinking that if I could just find the right job, everything would be all right. I was trying to create utopia in my life so God could use me for an example. Yes, I had a thousand reasons. Is your story similar? What are your excuses for inconsistency in God’s Word?

Many years have gone by, wasted perhaps, to a point. But, God is still in charge and He has made all the necessary provisions to work out His plan, and all that in spite of me and my poor choices.

As you can see, positive volition toward God and His Word is so important to the plan of God for our lives. Positive volition is the key to God’s plan for your life, the key to appropriating God’s plan, and the key to the execution of His plan.

The study and execution of His Word is God’s mandate to us as believers.

It is the constant exercise of your volition towards God and His Word that determines your happiness in this life and your rewards in eternity. You will find true happiness no other way, so don’t waste any of your God-given time – it’s limited, you know.

In closing, may I ask you, where do you stand with your own volition? Are you positive or negative? Where is Bible doctrine on your priority list? If it isn’t first, why isn’t it?

The answer is found in your volition.

Father, we thank you for your words of Truth. We pray that God the Holy Spirit will challenge us by these things, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.



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