Christ’s First Coming (called the First Advent) was rejected by the Jews, and destruction followed in 70 A.D. by Titus.
Likewise, when the dispensation of the Gentiles (non-Jews) is completed, Christ will come again (called the Second Coming) and destroy Gentile nations. Christ, at His Second Coming will, by the Word of His mouth – a mere breath, something less than a word – be sufficient to affect His purpose.
When Christ came the first time, He had no place to lay His head. His Second Coming shall be a resting place of glorious exaltation in the Tabernacle of His Earthly Kingdom (Isaiah 11:10).
Christ will re-gather the Jews from their worldwide dispersion (Isaiah 11:11), and both Israel and Judah (along with Gentiles) will be gathered to become one under Messiah.
Good and evil will exist together until evil is destroyed and the new universe and earth are ushered in.
Christ is the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45,46). Oh, to see His glorious throne in Jerusalem, to see His kingly dignity. We shall be overwhelmed at the sight of the grace which the Holy Spirit has been working in us during our lifetime. It is the Holy Spirit’s work in us and through us for which we shall be eternally rewarded.
The believers during the Church Age (our present time; our present dispensation) are restored to God through Christ – the Elect of all the generations since Pentecost and through the Rapture.
In John 13:31, the whole exaltation of Christ is begun at the Judas betrayal. The Judicial Administration of Christ’s reign began at the cross – completed at the end of the world – the ending of time. Jesus is so awesome. God’s plan is so awesome.
When Christ ascended, He began a journey which would bring Him back – Second Coming. Until then, we are to be patient, remain busy by faithfully and consistently studying and applying His Word to our daily lives, looking upward, and trusting in His return.
“While I am coming” implies a long journey. Christ’s Second Coming is a constant. He is “going away” – ascension – but will always be coming back (Matthew 26:64).
The Jews, to this day, still await the coming of Messiah-King. They have resisted since He walked among them – literally rejected Him at His First Coming. They still reject to this day. They rejected Christ’s Messianic Sovereignty from then until now. This is such an unnecessary tragedy. So very sad.
I watch for the gathering clouds on the horizon daily, and check to see if You are there, coming for me.
I want to be in Your presence… now and forever.
There is so much to know about future end-time events, which may indeed be at this present time.
C. S. Craig April 11, 2020