When The Lord Calls Me Home

On the appointed day, at the exact moment chosen by Him, the Lord will call me into His glorious kingdom. The Lord will clothe me in white – a robe of my very own, paid for by Christ, my loving Savior. My soul will be housed in a covering prepared by my Lord Himself.

My Lord shall knock on the door of my covering, I will open and we shall embrace. My Lord will hold me like only my mother could hold me.

It is then that we shall sit together and dine at the feast of fellowship. The host of family and friends from the times of my days will be seated at the table of memories, and we shall never be full – never shall we part in the Kingdom of Love.

The Lord of Hosts is my Lord. We shall sing to the Lord praises to His Majesty, and to the splendor of His Righteousness.

Lord, you are indeed my very God. I will exalt you forever.

C. S. Craig January 9, 2019



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