Jesus did not think of His deity as more important than our souls.
The very nature of deity precluded the fact that any member of the trinity could be judged for sin. Eternal life can neither be born, nor die; holiness cannot have anything to do with sin; omnipresence cannot be reduced to one point (the cross); immutability cannot change.
Jesus Christ (the Word in John 1:1) in His humanity, went to the cross. The believer is the “joy” that caused His incarnation and substitutionary death on the cross with its shame and pain (Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 2:7; see these verses for yourself in your very own Bible).
Because of His love for us, we can be forgiven our sins and be occupied with Him (Colossians 3:10-11). Therefore, be rooted and grounded in the Word, in love, and in God’s truths (Ephesians 3:17-19).
Happy Studying!