Smudge Pot or Torchbearer

The Doctrine of Worry

In certain parts of California, it can be a disaster of catastrophic proportion to the citrus crop if the temperature drops below 32°F. Therefore, the industry, in an effort to help reduce loss of crops, place thousands upon thousands of little pots in the citrus groves which they light at night during freezing temperatures. These little pots are called “smudge pots.” They give very little light, but produce a tremendous amount of smoke. The smoke provides protection against the frost, but it makes the night even darker. To walk through the citrus trees, one must carry a torch in order to see. As a believer, you are either the smudge pot or the torch bearer.

The smoke of worrying has the same effect on our relationship with the Lord. First of all worrying causes us to lose fellowship. Worrying usually indicates a  lack of  trust (faith) and/or a  lack of  Bible doctrine.  Either of these two scenarios  are indicative of spiritual immaturity.

Worry is a sin. Worry is you not trusting God. Worry is an emotion. Emotion can smoke the real issues in life’s decisions. Never operate out of your emotions; they were never meant to hold the reins of your thoughts and your life.

Here is a good way to understand the problem of worry: where there is worry, there is no Filling of the Spirit! When we are not filled with the Spirit we will not make correct choices. Therefore, many believers never grow up spiritually, they remain smudge pots all their lives. They virtually live in carnality, and are not distinguishable from the unbeliever in many cases, because they are always worrying.

Some of us have had a lot of practice worrying, and are very good at doing so. Therefore, practice not worrying and become just as good. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Listen, you cannot stop worrying if you do not START to practice STOP-worrying (Philippians 4:9-11,19-20).

Philippians 4:6-7:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  Here is the result: vs. 7: “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

This is why when worry is confessed (admitted to God) and Bible doctrine is applied to the situation, there will be light. Listen, God has a plan for every situation. When you worry, you are doubting God and not applying God’s promises to the situation.

Worry is not good for the soul, plus it causes you to lose fellowship (communion) with the Lord. When you become upset or worried about circumstances, admit it to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit will restore fellowship with the Lord.

“Testing, one, two, three, four… testing.” Remember this cliche, when the MC would test the microphone, or when they would flick the mic with their finger? Well, God gives you a ‘flick’ by testing, to see if you are living the faith-rest life. He knows, but He wants you to be aware when you are not in fellowship. Bible doctrine is the microphone and God wants you to use it everyday as you walk in grace fields. God is saying, “Take my hand, you’re a stranger in Paradise.”

Faith is a progression. Faith is learning to walk with the Lord in total dependence – after all, God is totally dependable. Progression leads to growth and maturity in Christ (Romans 1:17). God knows our strengths and weaknesses, so He tests our weaknesses to make them strong.

What a wonderful promise: “I will never leave you, nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5).

Happy studying in Fields of Grace.

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