If only everyone respected the Lord, they would respect each other.
If only everyone loved the Lord, they would love each other.
If only everyone was a giver, there would be no getters.
If only everyone was a servant, there would be no needs.
If only everyone was obedient, there would be no crime.
If only there was no greed, there would be no poverty.
If only everyone were humble, there would be no arrogance.
If only everyone were a student of the Bible, we would all think like Christ.
If only we were to think like Christ, we would be at peace with man and God.
If believers were to leave this body of corruption, we would be face to face with reality — Christ Himself.
If we were face to face with Reality, we would be with God.
If we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, there would be no darkness.
Now we know what the Kingdom of Heaven is like; it is all that we could ever hope or think.
There are no tears in Heaven, for happiness lives there.
The Cross is the Centrality of history! The Kingdom of Heaven is available to all who will believe in Christ.
The Cross of Jesus Christ (Messiah), must be the focal point of man, if man is to find peace with God.
If every man were to receive Christ as Personal Savior, there would be Heaven on Earth.
After considering many things, I must conclude that life is all about relationships.
If our relationship is right with God, then we will be right in our relationships with each other.
Is your relationship right with God? It can be, but only through Jesus Christ.
Look up, look around … is there anything you can do to make the world a better place? If so, then do it.
Thank you Father for “Word-Thinking” inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Daily, Father, we look up and look around for your coming — come Lord Jesus. Amen.
Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.