Love – What Exactly Is It?

Someone once wrote: “Who can understand the motives of love? Love does not do according to reason: love has its own reason for loving that even reason does not understand.” 

The love of God watches from a distance His unfaithful children. The love of God chose to go to the cross of shame and be disgraced, and die for you and me. Jesus, Son of God the Father, voluntarily chose to go to the cross, “by His stripes you are healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

Please turn to and read Isaiah chapter 53 and focus on the cross-view of Christ.

The Divineness of His Love

At the cross is the junction of eternal life and eternal separation… the door to eternity with God or eternity without God – separated from God forever.

God showed us what Love is on the cross. If Christ were to ask you: “are you ready to go to the cross for me?” The question is really: “do you love me enough to go to the cross and die for me?” Think about this for a few minutes. Tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m., you will begin your march to Calvary. You will carry your own cross. You will die for Jesus. How many believers could do that? Could you? Why not?

Okay, how about this scenario: “What if you were asked to die for Donald Trump? How about Hilary Clinton? How about the person you dislike the most in life? Would you, then, die on the cross for your mom or dad? What kind of love did Christ possess, that could cause Him to go through the excruciating pain of the cross? What kind of love did he possess? What kind of courage did he have? What a fascinating person He was and is! Jesus Christ is the one all-time greatest celebrity. Jesus Christ truly is King of kings, and Lord of lords.

Christ appeared to those who watched near the cross as conquered and dying, but Christ was actually the Conqueror. His death: 1). conquered satan, 2). conquered death, 3). while at the same time provided salvation for all who would believe His sacrifice as atonement for their personal sin. Christ died in your place just for you.

The very people that pierced Him with nails and a crown of thorns; the very same people who stripped His raiment and then quarreled over its division; the same people that crucified Him, are the ones He suffered for. Yes, Christ even died for religious people, the self-righteous people, who think God is impressed with their good deeds of hypocrisy.

Only Christ could pay for our redemption – there was no other way to provide salvation for mankind. Christ’s tormentors could not strip Him of His love for their souls, nor could they rob Him of His power to forgive our sins.

In dying for us, Christ bears testimony to His love for us; His own divinity, and the glory of our Heavenly Father.

With utter astonishment, multitudes of angels watched the King of creation and earth suffer and die for helpless human beings slaves to their sin and their sin nature.  

Mankind throughout the centuries in every generation since the cross has been able to behold the infinite love of Jesus Christ.

The incomparable love of Jesus’ last words: “It is finished” and “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” still echo through the corridors of time, and light a world in darkness. Christ bore our burdens as our Servant-King during His life and during the horrible agony of His death. He did this for you and for me. What is Love? CHRIST IS LOVE, AND LOVE IS DIVINE.

Why don’t you just trust Christ right now? Today is the day of your salvation. Believe and receive (John 1:12).

Happy Studying in Fields of Grace.


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