Humanity is anointed. Deity is Eternal God. Blasphemy is rejecting Christ.
God came to rescue humanity from sin-darkness, which is separation from God.
Jesus, in His humanity, is the long awaited Messiah – the Davidic Messiah of Israel.
Jesus is the anointed one, sent from God, baptized for power by the Holy Spirit of God the Father, thereby uniquely empowered to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth at Jerusalem.
The Anointed One (in Hebrew, translated as Messiah, in Greek, translated as Christ). Reference Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34.
Jesus Christ means Yeshua Messiah. Christ Jesus means Messiah Yeshua. Lord Jesus Christ means Lord Yeshua Messiah.
The humanity of Christ was anointed or “empowered” by the Father, meaning He was baptized into power by the Holy Spirit after He came out of the water as John the Baptist performed the visual baptismal anointing.
Christ as eternal God pre-existed as the Word of God (John 1:1-18). Christ is the Living Word.
Rejection of Christ is rejection of the Holy Spirit also, and the rejection of the Father’s plan and provision for mankind. In other words, this rejection, this blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is the only unpardonable sin (Matthew 12: 22-32 and 12:31; Mark 3: 20-30).
–C. S. Craig January 18, 2019