Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Forty-Four)



Perhaps inferiority keeps us humble. So, I (we) wrestle with superiority and inferiority; humility and arrogance; coveting and regret.

What is this thinking of the psyche, this battle of natures within us?

The conflicts of thought are provoking and educational, and each decision has a price.

When consciousness becomes constant evil, it needs constant sleep – permanently.

I recall the pivotal year when I turned fourteen, when the “forbidden fruits” seemed to pull me to yield as “a part of growing up.” Everyone finds their bliss in indulgence of the curious and the temptation(s) that follow is usually a climactic surprise and a release of joy that needs repetition.

The joys of life and its gratifications usually end, only to be repeated due to the joy of gratification.

Pay attention to God’s wisdom. We tend to compensate ourselves for our unhappiness, our failures, and our misfortunes. After all, who else will?

How many atheists or anti-theists think in contradictions? How many are angry at God for not existing?

C. S. Lewis said, “When the pessimist’s life is threatened, his impulse to preserve life is stronger than his negative thinking – that life is not worth preserving.”

Having tasted life, we are subjected to preserving it.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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