Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Thirty)



Material success is not the measure by which we gauge spiritual maturity. Affluence does not equal godliness. It is not the exterior but the interior of a person’s soul that must be covered with Christ – bathed daily in His righteousness, His Word. “He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of (His) righteousness for His Name’s sake.”

The letter D in the alphabet has earned a new appreciation from me – many D-words express great thought: dismal, disappointment, distress, dilemma, difficult, danger, discourage, darkness, etc.

Don’t allow your emotions to control your intelligence.

During Christ’s incarnation (time on earth as the God-man), He was the light in a darkened world. And so should we be. The believer is an ambassador during Jesus’s absence from earth.

The unbeliever must see and hear the believer’s witness, without words – the light of Christ, like the dawn of a sun-filled morning, the light of Christ in us will shine in the darkness, and our light (our testimony) and lifestyle will cause the night to become day. The believer’s life should be like a watered garden, like a spring whose waters never run dry.

Our problems as humans have only one solution – the Lord, Our Creator God (Isaiah 59:16-27). Wow! Meditate in God’s Word, especially Isaiah, Proverbs, and the Psalms. These books are written by Israel for Israel, but they are completely applicable to every believer as well. God is truly the plurality of majesty – majestic brilliance, majestic glory.

Relationships begin with God. They originate from God, with God, for us.

The body enables the soul to express itself. The body provides a covering for the soul.

We are retaliatory or humble; we are rebellious or humble.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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