Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Thirty-One)



As believers in the Church Age, we have the responsibility to carry on the Christian legacy – Christ’s legacy.

Even though sin has a hold on us, Christ, by the indwelling Holy Spirit, has a stronger hold. Praise be to the Lord for that.

We do not inherit our soul. God breathes soul-life into us when we take our first breath; He gives spiritual life at our first moment of belief in finished work of Christ, His Son.

We were designed by God to respond to God. Therefore, we are, by our fallen sin nature, retaliatory and rebellious. But even more, we become aggressive and self-centered – getters and givers.

Disobedience became a chain-reaction – the opposite of obedience. We are opposite, or contrary, to God as fallen creatures. We are no longer good – we are good and evil.

When we are reborn (new-birth – born again from above), we live exposed to two different natures – physical and spiritual. There is, therefore, a struggle… conflicts continuously between our two natures.

Through the original fall, we thought independently of God, with the result that we will always think independently of God until sin and satan are destroyed. At the fall, Adam broke through the “righteousness barrier,” only to discover the sin-barrier – the barrier being two-sided: good and evil.

The believer lives with one foot on the good side of the barrier and one foot on the evil side. When Christ consummates history, He will destroy forever – abolish forever – the backside of the barrier… evil. Then, because of Christ, we believers shall live happily ever after.



All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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