Thoughts to Ponder in Your Walk with the Lord (Part Thirty-Eight)



The result of apostasy is divine discipline, whether it be toward the individual or… the nation. Pray for your nation, daily, fervently. The faithfulness of a nation to the laws of God’s divine establishment and the dedication of believers to the doctrines of the Bible are the solutions that guarantee freedom in an ominous and belligerent world.

The antagonist of man is his very nature – the sin nature. The culprit is man’s volition. Point one: God’s Word equalizes, even nullifies the control of man’s sin nature. Point two: The second restraint of the sin nature is God’s laws of divine establishment. The sin nature is the source of evil.

Today, multitudes of people refuse to assume their responsibilities of citizenship. Influenced by relativism and secularism, many younger generations have no clearly defined objective except pleasing self by instant gratification and self-aggrandizement (Romans 14:7-8). Successive generations, beginning with the baby-boomers, have progressively abandoned the principles which make us a free people.

Self-complacency and religious pride are temptations which the pious are particularly susceptible. Holding themselves aloof, they perish in self-deceit and religiosity (that people think this was is incredible).

There are things that must be seen to be believed. There are things that must be believed to be seen.

The Lord guided and guarded the pen of the writers of Scripture. Christ Himself said that the very letters of the words of Scripture were chosen by God (Matthew 5:18).

If anyone thinks they are worthy, they deceive themselves.

Each person should carry their own load in life.

Whoever lives by the flesh destroys the soul.


All quotes are by C. S. Craig unless otherwise indicated.



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